Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California. She is co-author of “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Vikki herself is acknowledged […]
Q & A with Dr. Vikki: How Can I Determine if I’m Celiac or Gluten Sensitive?
Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California. She is co-author of “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Vikki herself is acknowledged […]
Dermatitis Herpetiformis and other “Atypical” Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity
As Celiac Disease Awareness Month comes to a close, I thought I would share more of my personal story. I have been meaning to do this for a long time but I will be honest, taking myself back in time is emotionally difficult for me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to […]
2010 Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Forum DVD
I recently received a complimentary copy of the 2010 Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Forum DVD from Dr. Vikki Petersen and it had such a profound impact on me that I simply must tell you about it. In this video, four renowned experts (Cynthia Kupper, R.D., founder of the Gluten Intolerance Group, Dr. Rodney Ford, M.D., […]
Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forum 2010, an Invitation and Giveaway!
If you have been reading my blog for long, or happen to ‘Like’ my Facebook page, then you know how much I love Dr. Vikki Petersen’s educational videos! In fact, I have 22 of her videos on my video page. Really, I love her and what she is doing for the gluten-free community! More specifically, […]