NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Wax On, Wax Off…Heidi’s Thoughts on Finding Balance

  Finding balance.  In my opinion, that is such a loaded phrase. Think about it, break it apart.  “Finding.”  This means, by definition, that you have been searching for something, a place or state of being that you have not been able to locate.  And when you arrive at your destination, it presents itself as […]

On the Outside Looking In: Gluten Free, Family, Holidays and Heartbreak

With the Christmas quickly upon us, I thought today would be the perfect time to answer the following question by one of my wonderful readers…about being on the gluten free diet, dealing with family and fitting in to society (this question was originally posted on my Facebook page). Do any other GF moms (I have Celiac […]

Ask Heidi: Cheating on the gluten free diet

  Marjorie asked: You have been so forthcoming about being a former gluten cheater and I really appreciate your honesty.  I’m guilty of cheating too, it is so hard to stay on this diet sometimes (even though I feel so much better when I do).  My question is, how did you finally overcome the temptation […]