NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Weekly Menu Plan – Week of June 13 (and a Thank You)

  Like my new menu plan badge?  My very talented friend Alexa from Lexie’s Kitchen designed it for me (thanks Lexie)!  If you haven’t yet “met” Alexa, you really should stop by her blog, especially if you are on a gluten free/casein free diet.  I have made several of Lexie’s recipes over the past year […]

Celiac Disease vs. Gluten Intolerance: Is One More Serious Than the Other?

I want to make one more post on the subject matter of Gluten Sensitivity before I get back to finding more fun recipes and ideas for our gluten-free kiddos. Since my diagnosis of celiac disease 5 years ago, I have been very interested in learning about my gluten sensitivity story.  This interest catapulted into a […]

Understanding Conflicting Celiac Test Results

I want to do a followup on a recent post I made where I shared some of my own gluten sensitivity journey, including some of my son’s.  Toward the middle of this post there is some important information regarding the interpretation of intestinal biopsies that I urge you to read. I had Sam first tested […]

Green Eggs and Ham Quiche

My version was actually Green Eggs and Sausage, but that doesn’t have the same snazzy ring to it as Green Eggs and Ham!  The only reason I even used sausage is because that is what I had on hand for this final attempt at making a quiche (more of a breakfast casserole) for The Gluten-Free […]