NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forum 2010, an Invitation and Giveaway!

If you have been reading my blog for long, or happen to ‘Like’ my Facebook page, then you know how much I love Dr. Vikki Petersen’s educational videos!  In fact, I have 22 of her videos on my video page.  Really, I love her and what she is doing for the gluten-free community!  More specifically, […]

Dill Dip with Raw Veggies

The past two days have been a bit of a roller coaster ride for me as I’ve been preparing to set Luke up with a safe environment at preschool.  Preschool is a dietary-restricted parent’s worst nightmare!  Gluten and food allergens are EVERYWHERE and not just in the popular processed kid fare department (have I told […]