NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Alba Therapeutics Recruiting Volunteers for Celiac Disease Drug Trial

  Press Release Baltimore, MD, May 1, 2012 – – Alba Therapeutics Corporation today announced that it was granted a certificate of registration for copyright of the first and only Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) questionnaire for patients with Celiac Disease (CeD).  The CeD PRO questionnaire will be used as part of Alba’s clinical trial program […]

Kisses for National Celiac Awareness Month

  May is one of my favorite months of the year, my compost is starting to cook, the garden is beginning to bloom, the hummingbirds are singing their sweet melodies and I feel an overall sense of renewal.  The picture perfect analogy for how I felt after coming out of my “celiac-denial” cocoon four years […]

GlutenTox Home Gluten Test Kits as a Qualified Medical Expense

Emily at Biomedal Diagnostics in Spain I was excited to meet Heidi at the Chicago GFAF Expo way back in April, and even more excited when she and Wendy of Celiacs in the House joined forces to do a review/giveaway for GlutenTox Home shortly after. If possible, I’m even more excited now, because I’m going […]

Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease: Westin’s Story

When my son Sam’s intestinal biopsy came back “negative” for celiac disease in 2008 (after his celiac blood tests were blatantly positive), I had a big decision to make.  To implement the gluten-free diet right away or allow him to continue eating gluten until he was “sick enough” that the gastroenterologist could obtain the appropriate […]

Detox for a good Cause with Some Delicious Smoothie and Juice Recipes

One cold January, 20+ bloggers came together for 31 days to share 31 nourishing and detoxifying smoothie, juice, and soup recipes.  The blogosphere buzzed with great new ways of upping the intake of fruit and vegetables to start the year off right. Gfree Mom’s January D-tox event was so well received that these 20+ bloggers […]

Gluten Sensitivity and Autism

The following is a new video from Dr. Vikki Petersen of HealthNOW Medical Center, sharing information she recently learned from the renowned celiac researcher, Dr. Alessio Fasano, regarding gluten sensitivity and autism. Do you have a child with autism?  If so, have you tried implementing a gluten-free (or gluten-free/casein-free) diet?  If you have, did you notice […]

Why We Do What We Do

I am often asked by those close to me why I research and talk about gluten so much.  Can’t I just “get over it” and move on with my life?  Why does everything always have to be about gluten? I received the most heartwarming email the other day from one of my readers who summed […]

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Sugar: The Bitter Truth If you’ve not yet watched the following video presentation by Robert Lustig, M.D., I highly recommend you put it at the top of your priority viewing list. I’ve watched it no fewer than a dozen times now and I’ve also shared it with many of my friends and family. It never […]

Celiac Crisis: Rare or Rarely Recognized?

After sharing my personal story of living with undiagnosed celiac disease last spring, my father brought a series of frightening events that occurred just over a decade ago to my attention and asked why I didn’t mention them in my post.  The plain and simple truth was, I didn’t (and still don’t) know if the […]

“In Defense of 20 Parts Per Million” by Alessio Fasano, M.D.

 The following letter is reprinted with permission from The University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research. “In Defense of 20 Parts Per Million” A Letter to the FDA From Alessio Fasano, M.D., and The University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research In its efforts to establish a safer food environment, the U.S. Food and Drug […]