NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Q & A with Dr. Vikki: Testing for Food Sensitivities Beyond Gluten (and The Modified Elimination Diet)

The timing of today’s question for Dr. Vikki Petersen is absolutely perfect, especially since I just published a rather comprehensive post discussing the test (and our results) that Dr. Vikki speaks of below, Cyrex Labs Array 4: Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods. Dr. Vikki, To keep it very brief, I am wondering who you recommend for […]

Hello Flora, How You Doin’?

In case you missed my first installment from our trip to HealthNOW Medical Center, on Adrenal Fatigue, you can read about that here. In today’s testing profile, I’m going to give you an up-close and personal view of our microbiota, a.k.a the intestinal flora, probiotics, or, the “good bugs” as I tell my kiddos. I’ve […]