The timing of today’s question for Dr. Vikki Petersen is absolutely perfect, especially since I just published a rather comprehensive post discussing the test (and our results) that Dr. Vikki speaks of below, Cyrex Labs Array 4: Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods. Dr. Vikki, To keep it very brief, I am wondering who you recommend for […]
Q & A with Dr. Vikki: Testing for Food Sensitivities Beyond Gluten (and The Modified Elimination Diet)
posted on August 26, 2011 by Adventuresgfmom
Filed in: Ask Dr. Vikki, Featured, The Modified Elimination Diet, The Questions
Tagged: Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom, ALCAT testing, Ask Dr. Vikki, Blood Tests, Dr. Vikki Petersen, Food Sensitivities, gluten intoerance, Healing, IgG, Leaky Gut, Medical Tests, Modified Elimination Diet, Testing for delayed food allergies
Hello Flora, How You Doin’?
posted on March 9, 2011 by Adventuresgfmom
In case you missed my first installment from our trip to HealthNOW Medical Center, on Adrenal Fatigue, you can read about that here. In today’s testing profile, I’m going to give you an up-close and personal view of our microbiota, a.k.a the intestinal flora, probiotics, or, the “good bugs” as I tell my kiddos. I’ve […]
Filed in: Celiac Disease, Food Allergies and Gluten Sensitivity, Healing Leaky Guts: Our Trip to HealthNOW Medical Center, Heidi, Luke, Medical Stuff, Medical Tests, Our Story, Research Articles, Sam, Videos
Tagged: Autoimmunity and Cancer, Bacteroides, Bifidobacter, Celiac Disease, Center for Celiac Research, Citrobacter, Clostridia, delayed food allergies, Dr. Alessio Fasano, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Rick Petersen, Dr. Rodney Ford, Dr. Vikki Petersen, e-clinic, escherichia coli, Fusobacteria, Gastrointestinal Function Profile Test, GI Effects Profile Test Results and Interpretation, Gliadin, HealthNOW Medical Center, IgG, Lactobacillus, Leaky Gut, Metametrix Clinical Laboratories, Microbiota, Microflora, Mycoplasma, Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, opportunistic bacteria, Physiological Review, Predominant Bacteria, Prevotella, Probiotics, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Streptomyces, video, zonulin, zonulin and gut permeability: Effects on celiac and non-celiac intestinal mucosa and intestinal cell lines, Zonulin and Its Regulation of Intestinal Barrier Function: The Biological Door to Inflammation