NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Weekly Menu Plan – Week of June 13 (and a Thank You)

  Like my new menu plan badge?  My very talented friend Alexa from Lexie’s Kitchen designed it for me (thanks Lexie)!  If you haven’t yet “met” Alexa, you really should stop by her blog, especially if you are on a gluten free/casein free diet.  I have made several of Lexie’s recipes over the past year […]

Weekly Menu Plan, Rattlesnake Huntin’ (and a Giveaway!)

I just love the first week of summer vacation, don’t you? No more of the hectic morning rush out the door to get to school and no more packing gluten free, allergen free lunchboxes!  Instead, I’m now quietly sipping green smoothies on the patio, listening to the birds chirp their little songs and tending to […]

Dye-Free Star Wars Lego Birthday Cake (and a Giveaway Winner)

Have you ever tried to make a Lego birthday cake without gluten, dairy, eggs, soy and artificial colorings? Let’s just say it’s challenging.  The gluten, dairy, soy and artificial colorings are actually a breeze to replace, but eggs are an entirely different matter, they play a very important part in baking! I made 17 different […]

The International Food Bloggers Conference Recap

I recently returned home from a fantastic weekend in Seattle, where I attended the International Food Bloggers Conference. The conference was co-hosted by Foodista and Zephyr Adventures, and while there were many great moments over the weekend, I will just share a few of my personal highlights today (sorry this is going up so late, […]

Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger: Alexa from Lexie’s Kitchen

I am really excited to finally be participating in my first “Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger” event! The Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger program was started by Sea of Book of Yum, in 2008.  This is a great way to get to know gluten-free bloggers by trying some of their recipes! August’s Adopt a GF Blogger is […]