NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Slowcooker Green Chile Stew (and Home for the Holidays Giveaway Winners)

I love Green Chile Stew and I cannot think of a better soup to warm you up on a cold, dreary winter day.  And the green chile is great for clearing out the sinuses! This recipe for Green Chile Stew comes from my father-in-law, Jim…he’s a bonafide soup master. 😀 PrintSlowcooker Green Chile Stew Prep […]

Detox for a good Cause with Some Delicious Smoothie and Juice Recipes

One cold January, 20+ bloggers came together for 31 days to share 31 nourishing and detoxifying smoothie, juice, and soup recipes.  The blogosphere buzzed with great new ways of upping the intake of fruit and vegetables to start the year off right. Gfree Mom’s January D-tox event was so well received that these 20+ bloggers […]

Halloween Recipe Roundup and a Menu Plan

Are you ready for Halloween?  My boys sure are biting at the bit (okay, their mom is too).  Before your little beggar dives into his or her loot bag tomorrow, make sure you’re armed with the 2011 Gluten and Allergen Free Halloween Candy Lists! Looking for Halloween recipe ideas?  Be sure to scroll to the […]

Menu Plan – Week of October 10

  Monday:  Quick Meatball Salad and Fresh Fruit Tuesday: Roasted King Salmon with Apple Butter Sauce (I will use Eden Food’s Apple Butter, canned coconut milk for the heavy cream and casein-free Ghee for the butter), Roasted Butternut Squash with Herbes de Provence, Steamed Broccoli Wednesday:  Garlicky Chicken Thighs in Red Pepper Sauce and Salad […]

Menu Plan – Week of October 3

Can you believe it’s already October?  Seriously, where did the time go? I’ve always heard people say that the older you get, the faster time flies by.  Is that physical age or mental age?  Because I’ve been trying very hard to stay 16 mentally (I’ve recently added hot pink to my repertoire of hair colors) […]

Menu Plan – Week of September 26 (and giveaway winners)

Monday: Minestrone (I’ll set aside some of the soup for myself before I add the gluten-free pasta for my guys) and salad with dairy-free Ranch dressing Tuesday: Sea Bass with Mediterranean Sauce Wednesday: Pork with Apples, Calvados and Apple Cider (I will use coconut oil instead of the butter and canned coconut milk in place […]

Menu Plan – Week of August 29

For this week’s menu plan, I’m taking back Italian.  For the most part, I have steered clear of one of my favorite cuisines since going dairy-free (and mostly grain-free) earlier this year.  But now I’m ready to re-define my definition of Italian goodness.  With the exception of lasagna, I think most Italian recipes can taste […]

Gluten and Allergen Free School Lunch and Snack Ideas (Plus, Information on 504 Plans and Downloadable Teacher Letters)

Printable Post   As a mom to two children with multiple dietary restrictions, I can think of few things more mind numbing than coming up with creative and healthy boxed lunches (that my kids will eat) 5 days a week, so I thought I would begin a list of links to recipes that I make […]

Menu Plan – Week of August 1

I love this time of year, when all the blood, sweat and tears that go into a beginners’ garden start to pay off…or at least give you the glimmer of hope that yes, you can in fact grow your own fruits and vegetables! Of all the countless punctures (blackberries are thorny suckers!), many days smelling […]

Menu Plan – Week of July 25

Meatless Monday: Blackened Black Bean Burgers (I will use a chia egg), Zucchini Fries, Salad Tuesday: Chicken Souvlaki (instead of the yogurt, I will make a dairy free buttermilk: 1 1/2 tsp. of fresh squeezed lemon juice plus enough unsweetened (So Delicious) coconut milk to make 1/4 cup; set aside until milk curdles, about 5 […]