NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Dye-Free Batman Cake

Okay, if you want to get technical about it, this really isn’t a “cake” per se, but rather a cupcake tower that looks like a tiered cake.  I made this for Luke’s 4th birthday party on Saturday, after dreading how I would pull off a Batman cake without the use of artificial colorings (namely the […]

Dye-Free Lego Cupcakes and a Yummy Earth Lollipop Giveaway

I have a little secret to share with you.  I am a bonafide silicone ice cube tray-aholic! I have so many of these brilliant little gadgets that I am running out of places to store them.  I should probably look into renting a storage unit for them…although, I think my husband would shove me in […]

Dye-Free Star Wars Lego Birthday Cake (and a Giveaway Winner)

Have you ever tried to make a Lego birthday cake without gluten, dairy, eggs, soy and artificial colorings? Let’s just say it’s challenging.  The gluten, dairy, soy and artificial colorings are actually a breeze to replace, but eggs are an entirely different matter, they play a very important part in baking! I made 17 different […]

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free “Hostess” Cupcakes

Homemade Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free”Hostess” Cupcakes, why did it take me so long to try this?  I guess I forgot that “Fresh, Wholesome Hostess and Kids Go Together!” 😯 Did you notice the part about being fresh and wholesome?  I won’t comment on the “wholesome” aspects because I think we can all agree that we know that […]

Dye-Free Jungle Junction Birthday Cake

I’ve finally recovered.  Ever have one of those days where nothing goes as planned?  When one small blip turns into a gnarly black cloud hanging over your head for two solid days?  Boy did I have one of THOSE weekends! 😉 It all started on Friday when my sister called to point out that my […]

Jungle Junction Party Invitations and an Immaculate Winner!

Hello readers, I would like you to meet my nightmare friend, Ellyvan from Jungle Junction, a giant blue elephant on wheels (who thinks of this stuff?): I only say “nightmare” because my soon-to-be 3 year old LOVES this show (the real nightmare is my oldest son who planted the idea in his brother’s head for […]

Dye-Free Army Tank Cupcakes

I have been sick for the past few days and cold medicine does funny things to my head, this cupcake is proof! 😀 Sam had a birthday party to attend this weekend and the birthday boy was celebrating with an Army themed party.  Prior to the dye-free challenge we decided to take, I probably would […]

Stage Cakes and a Synthetic Dye-Free Adventure

This post is linked to Gluten-Free Wednesdays Cake Challenge. Back in the spring I took several cake decorating classes in order to pick up a few tips for making the boy’s birthday cakes.  One class I took was called “Stage Cakes.”  Basically, you build a stage out of cake and then build a scene.  I […]

Gluten-Free Monster Truck Birthday Cake

I will go into this later but I had so much fun today at my “Stage Cakes” cake decorating class that I wanted to show all my GF and Food Allergy mom friends our potential in making fun and safe birthday cakes for our precious children. There are definitely some flaws if you are looking […]

Halloween Cupcakes for the Preschool Set

I made more cupcakes for Luke’s Halloween party at school tomorrow, but I toned it down a bit in the body part category!  Two year olds can “spook” easily. 🙂