NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Ask Heidi: Cheating on the gluten free diet

  Marjorie asked: You have been so forthcoming about being a former gluten cheater and I really appreciate your honesty.  I’m guilty of cheating too, it is so hard to stay on this diet sometimes (even though I feel so much better when I do).  My question is, how did you finally overcome the temptation […]

Why We Do What We Do

I am often asked by those close to me why I research and talk about gluten so much.  Can’t I just “get over it” and move on with my life?  Why does everything always have to be about gluten? I received the most heartwarming email the other day from one of my readers who summed […]

Q & A with Dr. Vikki: How Can I Determine if I’m Celiac or Gluten Sensitive?

Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California. She is co-author of  “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Vikki herself is acknowledged […]

Gluten Sensitivity Causes Autoimmune Disease

I want to share a couple videos from Dr. Vikki Petersen of HealthNOW Medical Center that I think are extremely important for people who have any autoimmune disease to understand (click here for a comprehensive list of autoimmune diseases from the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association). I will also link to some important research at […]

Dermatitis Herpetiformis and other “Atypical” Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity

As Celiac Disease Awareness Month comes to a close, I thought I would share more of my personal story.  I have been meaning to do this for a long time but I will be honest, taking myself back in time is emotionally difficult for me.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to […]

Q & A with Dr. Vikki: Suspicious Family Medical History But No Clear Answers

Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California. She is co-author of  “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Vikki herself is acknowledged […]

Q & A with Dr. Vikki: Diet and a Leaky Gut

Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California. She is co-author of  “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Vikki herself is acknowledged […]

Q & A with Dr. Vikki: Genetics and Celiac Disease (and a Giveaway!)

Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California. She is co-author of  “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Vikki herself is acknowledged […]

Dr. Vikki Petersen Video about My Family

If you have been reading my blog for long, then you are aware that I recently flew my family to California to see Dr. Vikki Petersen and the amazing team at HealthNOW Medical Center. I gave Dr. Vikki permission to share our story in one of her wonderful educational videos because I think our story […]

Q & A with Dr. Vikki: Relief Aids for Accidental Glutenings?

Welcome to the inaugural post for “Ask Dr. Vikki!” Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California. She is co-author of  “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten […]