Homemade Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free”Hostess” Cupcakes, why did it take me so long to try this? I guess I forgot that “Fresh, Wholesome Hostess and Kids Go Together!” 😯 Did you notice the part about being fresh and wholesome? I won’t comment on the “wholesome” aspects because I think we can all agree that we know that […]
Strawberry Shortcake with Stevia Extract In The Raw
With strawberries being in season, I have been blessed with a weekly abundance of bright, red, plump and juicy organic strawberries in my CSA box. I decided to make some strawberry shortcake this weekend to take to a Memorial Day BBQ. To quote one gluten-eater, they would not have known the biscuit was gluten-free had […]
Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake
So have you heard the news yet? General Mills will be debuting Gluten-Free Bisquick (and a few other items 😉 ) at the Celiac Disease Foundation’s Annual Education Conference and Food Faire in Los Angeles, on May 15, 2010! I am still speechless (shocking, eh? Don’t worry, it won’t last for long. 😀 ) that […]
Easter Cupcakes
Yesterday, Luke and I made cupcakes for his class Easter party so we thought we would show you our handiwork! I use the Better Crocker GF Cake Mixes because they are easy and predictable when I am short on time. I hope to start working on finding some good scratch recipes over the coming months […]
Sour Cream Fudge Cupcakes
I know, I know… it’s January 5th and everyone is dieting, trying to eat healthier and going through sugar detox from the holiday season. But what if you could have your “cake and eat it too?” Sorry, couldn’t resist that one! 🙂 I was going through my recipes that have been piling up and this […]