NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Cyrex Labs Array 4: Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods

Heads Up: this is a long post (it’s been 5 months in the making) but it is packed full of great information so if you can’t read it all now, please come back when time allows, or read it in sections (I’ve added a link at the bottom of the page for a printable version […]

Weekly Menu Plan – Week of July 11

Before I get to my menu plan for the week, I want to share some rather exciting news from Sam’s appointment with his pediatric GI on Friday. We got the first “real” evidence that everything we’ve been doing over the past 5 months (since going to see Dr. Vikki Petersen and the amazing team at […]

Dr. Vikki Petersen Video about My Family

If you have been reading my blog for long, then you are aware that I recently flew my family to California to see Dr. Vikki Petersen and the amazing team at HealthNOW Medical Center. I gave Dr. Vikki permission to share our story in one of her wonderful educational videos because I think our story […]

Healing a Leaky Gut Part 2: Parasites, Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi/Yeast

Photo Credit: How would you like to snuggle up with that lovely little creature?  😀 In this second installment of revelations from our recent trip to HealthNOW Medical Center, I will be sharing more of our results from the Metametrix GI Effects Profile test.  In my first post on intestinal flora I shared information […]

Hello Flora, How You Doin’?

In case you missed my first installment from our trip to HealthNOW Medical Center, on Adrenal Fatigue, you can read about that here. In today’s testing profile, I’m going to give you an up-close and personal view of our microbiota, a.k.a the intestinal flora, probiotics, or, the “good bugs” as I tell my kiddos. I’ve […]

Adrenal Fatigue

My family and I recently returned home from our trip to Sunnyvale, California where we became the official patients of someone I have the utmost respect for, Dr. Vikki Petersen D.C., C.C.N., and her amazing team at HealthNOW Medical Center, including Dr. Vikki’s husband, Dr. Rick Petersen D.C., C.C.N., Dr. Carrie Mousseau, M.D. and Dr. […]