NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten Free Halloween

I pretty much flarped on Halloween this year and haven’t done nearly as much as I typically like to.  I think I have had a serious case of “spooky block,” not having artificial colorings to fall back on, LOL!  That’s okay though, I will just look back at this as my “deprogramming” year. It’s funny, […]

Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese, Vitamixed

I am feeling pretty darn excited about this homemade vegan cashew cream cheese I recently made, thanks to the amazing Carrie over at Ginger Lemon Girl!  Seriously, who’da thunk it?? Sure, vegans have known about the amazing powers of nuts for years, but, I am not a vegan.  I’m not even dairy-free (yet), so up […]

Homemade Dairy-Free, Soy-Free “Processed” Cheese

Okay, let’s just address this upfront.  “Say whaaa?“ 😉 Well, there is a very big NEED for gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free cheese slices and I can’t seem find a commercial one anywhere!  I got excited the other day when I found some “cheese” that looked like it would fit the bill perfectly BUT then (there’s always […]