NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

The BEST Mayo-Free Chicken Salad

At least that’s what both of my sisters said last week when I had them sample it. 😀 I first whipped up this interesting little gem of a recipe back in February, when we had just begun the modified elimination diet before going to see Dr. Vikki Petersen.  I think the hardest foods to give […]

Homemade Marshmallows: Corn-Free and Egg-Free (and Heidi’s Favorite Dairy-Free Hot Cocoa)

It only took me close to a year to attempt making homemade marshmallows again, but there is no better motivation than being thrust onto the food allergy playground! I first attempted to make corn-free, gelatin-free marshmallows last January (you can read that post here), but there were egg whites in it.  I also used xanthan […]

Vegan Cashew Cream Cheese, Vitamixed

I am feeling pretty darn excited about this homemade vegan cashew cream cheese I recently made, thanks to the amazing Carrie over at Ginger Lemon Girl!  Seriously, who’da thunk it?? Sure, vegans have known about the amazing powers of nuts for years, but, I am not a vegan.  I’m not even dairy-free (yet), so up […]

Gluten-Free Mozzarella Cheese Sticks and a YES! Winner

Gluten-free mozzarella cheese sticks, who’da thunk it? YES! Heck, even in my former gluten-life, I could not make a cheese stick.  I could make a mean hollow tube of fried bread crumbs mind you, but somehow, the cheese always managed to escape! Has this ever happened to you?  You roll your cheese stick in bread […]