I am feeling pretty darn excited about this homemade vegan cashew cream cheese I recently made, thanks to the amazing Carrie over at Ginger Lemon Girl! Seriously, who’da thunk it?? Sure, vegans have known about the amazing powers of nuts for years, but, I am not a vegan. I’m not even dairy-free (yet), so up […]
JASON Kids Only! Gluten Free Toothpaste
A recent funny post that Kim made over at Gluten-Free Is Life, titled “True Blogger Confessions,” got me to thinking about GF dental products, so I wanted to share the brand of toothpaste that I buy for my boys. JASON Kids Only! is an all-natural line of products that are specifically designed for children. The […]
Rainbow Chard Sauteed with Mushooms
Some time ago, I made a conscious decision to further transform how I eat and to expose my children to more naturally gluten-free foods, like fresh vegetables. It’s amazing how a naturally gluten-free diet is so much easier on your pocketbook! 😀 Fruits and veggies have always been a part of our diet, but probably […]