Well, I survived my camping trip this weekend, albeit a little worn and tattered (but that which does not kill you, right?). Just as I had suspected, “Heidi” and “Camping” are two words that do not belong in the same sentence! Here are just a few words/phases that highlight my weekend: wolves, animal bones, dead […]
Menu Plan – Week of September 19
Filed in: Featured, Menu Plans
Tagged: Corn-Free, Dairy-Free, gluten free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Weekly Menu Plan
Camping (Mis)Adventures, A Weekly Menu Plan and A Few Giveaway Winners

I must confess that I’m not much of a camper, it’s not something we did when I was growing up in a family of 4 females and one token male. I’m really not sure why we didn’t go camping either. Afterall, my parents met when they spent their college summers working at Roosevelt Lodge in […]
Filed in: Camping Recipes, Featured, Menu Plans
Tagged: Camping, Celiac, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Foil Dinners, food allergy, gluten free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Weekly Menu Plan
Menu Plan – Week of September 5 (and Some Gluten Free Pita Bread…and a Gyro)

Monday: Labor Day BBQ Tuesday: Shrimp Scampi and Green Goddess Green Bean and Tomato Salad (recipe to come) Wednesday: Crockpot Smothered Round Steak my mom made this recipe often while I was growing up and it’s delicious! I’ve obviously had to make a few tweaks since then but it still tastes exactly as I remember: […]
Filed in: Allergy-Free Recipes, Breads, Dairy/Casein-Free, Dye-Free, Egg-Free, Featured, Gelatin-Free, Menu Plans, Nut-Free, Recipes, Refined Sugar-Free, Soy-Free, Tomato-Free, Vegan, Yeast
Tagged: Casein-Free, Celiac, Dairy-Free, Dinner, Egg-Free, Family, food allergy, gluten free, gyro, Healthy, Nut-Free, Pita Bread, Soy-Free, Weekly Menu Plan
Menu Plan – Week of August 29

For this week’s menu plan, I’m taking back Italian. For the most part, I have steered clear of one of my favorite cuisines since going dairy-free (and mostly grain-free) earlier this year. But now I’m ready to re-define my definition of Italian goodness. With the exception of lasagna, I think most Italian recipes can taste […]
Filed in: Featured, Menu Plans
Tagged: Casein-Free, Corn-Free, Dairy-Free, Dinner, Egg-Free, Food Allergies, gluten free, Italian, Recipes, Soy-Free, Weekly Menu Plan
Weekly Menu Plan – Week of July 18

I have quite a busy week ahead of me, my little one is getting ready to turn 4 (sniff) at the end of this month and I have some gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, refined sugar-free (and synthetic dye-free) Batman cupcakes to try and figure out how to make! Where’s that magic wand when I need it?? […]
Filed in: Menu Plans
Tagged: Casein-Free, Celiac Disease, Celiac Disease without Villous Atrophy in Children: A Prospective Study, Corn-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Food Allergies, gluten free, Gluten Free Diet Benefits Relatives of Patients with Celiac Disease, Grain-Free, Low Adherence to Biopsy Guidelines Affect Celiac Disease Diagnosis In the United States, Soy-Free, Weekly Menu Plan
Weekly Menu Plan – Week of July 11
Weekly Menu Plan – Week of June 27

I am so happy that last week is finally over, I’m just not used to being THAT busy anymore! Typically, we are much more laid back with our schedule, I don’t put my boys in too many activities, simply because the commute can interfere with making dinner (not to mention all the snacks that are […]
Filed in: Menu Plans
Tagged: Casein-Free, Corn-Free, Dairy-Free, Dinner Ideas, Dr. Rodney Ford, Egg-Free, Food Allergies, gluten free, gluten in cows milk, Meatless Monday, Menu Plan, Recipes, Soy-Free, Weekly Menu Plan
Dr. Rodney Ford, The Gluten File (and a Menu Plan)

Before sharing my menu plan for the week, I would like to share a few items that I highlighted on my Facebook Page this week: There is a wonderful website called The Gluten File which is a collection of articles and research pertaining to gluten sensitivity. I really encourage you to check it out because […]
Filed in: Books and Magazine Reviews, Gluten Free Products, Medical Stuff, Menu Plans
Tagged: Casein-Free, Celiac Disease, Corn-Free, Dairy-Free, Diabetes, Dinner Ideas, Dr. Rodney Ford, e-book, Food Allergies, Gluten Medical Research, Gluten-Free Menu Ideas, Grain-Free, Iron Deficiency, Kids, Lymphoma, Naturally Gluten-Free, Recipes, Soy-Free, The Gluten File, the gluten syndrome, video, Weekly Menu Plan
Weekly Menu Plan – Week of May 2 (and a Giveaway Winner)
Weekly Menu Plan – Week of April 25 (and a Giveaway!)

It’s going to be another crazy week for me as I prepare to leave for Chicago on Thursday to attend the Gluten and Allergen Free Expo. This will be the first time that I’ve left my brood since embarking on “Operation Leaky Gut” and I have to admit that I’m a little nervous as to […]
Filed in: Giveaways, Gluten Free Products, Menu Plans
Tagged: A Year of Slowcooking, Casein-Free, Corn-Free, Crockpot, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Family, gluten free, Gluten-Free Easily, Healthy, Kids, Low Carb, Lunchbox Ideas, Naturally Gluten-Free, Recipes, Refined Sugar-Free, Shirley Braden, Slowcooker, Stephanie O'Dea, Weekly Menu Plan