NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten-Free Holiday Giveaway Galore x10!

I’ve teamed up with 9 other gluten-free bloggers to help Katie Chalmers, author and illustrator of the new children’s book, Mommy, What Is Celiac Disease? give away 10 holiday gift bags filled with all sorts of gluten-free treats and trinkets, including a signed copy of her book! The following bloggers will also be hosting The […]

Eventually Instant Dairy-Free Mashed Potatoes

I’ve been making “eventually instant” mashed potatoes for about a year now, ever since I gave up using Potato Buds.  I was never one to use boxed potatoes on a regular basis but they did come in handy when time was of the essence.  Now, I have my own convenience mashed potatoes to fall back […]