NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten and Allergen Free School Lunch and Snack Ideas (Plus, Information on 504 Plans and Downloadable Teacher Letters)

Printable Post   As a mom to two children with multiple dietary restrictions, I can think of few things more mind numbing than coming up with creative and healthy boxed lunches (that my kids will eat) 5 days a week, so I thought I would begin a list of links to recipes that I make […]

Gluten-Free “Boxed” Mac and Cheese

Okay, so it’s not really “Boxed” Mac and Cheese but “Bagged” Mac and Cheese just sounds weird! 😀 I have been making my own “Kraft-like” GF Mac and Cheese for a long time now, mostly because I do not care for the texture of the pasta in the GF store-bought Mac and Cheese.  The other […]