NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten and Allergen Free School Lunch and Snack Ideas (Plus, Information on 504 Plans and Downloadable Teacher Letters)

Printable Post   As a mom to two children with multiple dietary restrictions, I can think of few things more mind numbing than coming up with creative and healthy boxed lunches (that my kids will eat) 5 days a week, so I thought I would begin a list of links to recipes that I make […]

Mama K’s Aromatic (and gluten free!) Play Clay, A Review and Giveaway

If you are the mother of a gluten free and/or food allergic child, then you know how important it is to have a safe play dough for your kiddos (if you are brand new to the gluten free lifestyle, please note that Play-Doh™ is NOT gluten free and neither is Crayola Dough). Why does that […]

blue dominoes Safe Art Finger Paint Review (and Giveaway!)

I am so UNBELIEVABLY excited about this!!! A while back I had the opportunity to try out blue dominoes Safe Art Activity Dough which is not only gluten-free, but is also free of the top 8 allergens, including wheat and soy! We loved the play dough, especially Sam, who built a whole battle scene with […]

Aroma Dough Giveaway!

This is SOOOO Exciting! I have ANOTHER giveaway! A few days ago, I posted my review of gluten free play doughs. Aroma Dough was one of the companies whose product I reviewed and Diane (one of the founders and a fellow mom!) has so generously offered to give away a Splat Mat Set to one […]

Colorations Gluten-Free Play Dough & Disposable Art Gloves

There is so much to consider when sending a GF child to school!  Everyday seems to be a new experience and I realize I have yet ANOTHER GF supply that I either need to make or buy! I have posted a recipe for GF Play Dough in the past and while it is great dough, […]

Gluten-Free Play Dough Recipe

I just received a phone call from Sam’s new kindergarten teacher.  A very nice lady who has never heard of Celiac Disease.  As I explained CD to her and sited Play Doh as an example of cross-contamination, her only comment was, “I don’t know what I would do if I can’t have Play Doh in […]