NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free “Hostess” Cupcakes

Homemade Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free”Hostess” Cupcakes, why did it take me so long to try this?  I guess I forgot that “Fresh, Wholesome Hostess and Kids Go Together!” 😯 Did you notice the part about being fresh and wholesome?  I won’t comment on the “wholesome” aspects because I think we can all agree that we know that […]

Dye-Free Army Tank Cupcakes

I have been sick for the past few days and cold medicine does funny things to my head, this cupcake is proof! 😀 Sam had a birthday party to attend this weekend and the birthday boy was celebrating with an Army themed party.  Prior to the dye-free challenge we decided to take, I probably would […]

Easter Cupcakes

Yesterday, Luke and I made cupcakes for his class Easter party so we thought we would show you our handiwork! I use the Better Crocker GF Cake Mixes because they are easy and predictable when I am short on time.  I hope to start working on finding some good scratch recipes over the coming months […]

Halloween Cupcakes for the Preschool Set

I made more cupcakes for Luke’s Halloween party at school tomorrow, but I toned it down a bit in the body part category!  Two year olds can “spook” easily. 🙂

Halloween Cupcakes

I made some “spooky” gluten-free cupcakes to send to Sam’s class today and thought I would share what a lot of sugary icing and body parts gummy candy can do! Sam loves Halloween and so do I. This time of year, I just let go and allow myself to be a kid again. To run […]

Last Minute Star Wars

I made Star Wars themed cupcakes for Sam to share with his classmates for his birthday yesterday. Cupcakes are pretty easy and you can find great cupcake picks and liners in stores or online. I found the Darth Vader and Stormtrooper rings on Ebay. I made it through…I am done with birthday cake until July! […]