NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Dye-Free Star Wars Lego Birthday Cake (and a Giveaway Winner)

Have you ever tried to make a Lego birthday cake without gluten, dairy, eggs, soy and artificial colorings? Let’s just say it’s challenging.  The gluten, dairy, soy and artificial colorings are actually a breeze to replace, but eggs are an entirely different matter, they play a very important part in baking! I made 17 different […]

Jungle Junction Party Invitations and an Immaculate Winner!

Hello readers, I would like you to meet my nightmare friend, Ellyvan from Jungle Junction, a giant blue elephant on wheels (who thinks of this stuff?): I only say “nightmare” because my soon-to-be 3 year old LOVES this show (the real nightmare is my oldest son who planted the idea in his brother’s head for […]

Last Minute Star Wars

I made Star Wars themed cupcakes for Sam to share with his classmates for his birthday yesterday. Cupcakes are pretty easy and you can find great cupcake picks and liners in stores or online. I found the Darth Vader and Stormtrooper rings on Ebay. I made it through…I am done with birthday cake until July! […]

Star Wars Birthday Party

Wow!  Sam’s birthday was a great success and I am so happy to have that stress behind me! 🙂  6 weeks of Death Star pinata making, Light Saber making and Cake sculpting and decorating.  I think I could sleep for a week! So, this is what I learned the most, cake decorating is HARD work.  […]

Star Wars Birthday Party – Pool Noodle Light Sabers

Okay, I have A LOT of pent up anxious energy over my 3-D Clone Trooper helmet cake next week!!  I know that in the end, it will turn out fine, whether the end product is the actual cake or some really cool cupcakes. However, I REALLY want to make this cake and have it actually […]

The Death Star Pinata

Whew…I think I have made a passable (at least to a group of 5 and 6 year olds) Death Star Pinata for Sam and his buddy Garrett’s upcoming Star Wars birthday party. This is what I used as a guide: Overall, this was pretty easy.  Especially using what was originally a soccer ball pinata.  It […]