NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Weekly Menu Plan – Week of May 9 and GF Happenings

Welcome back to another week of my gluten-free, grain-free, dairy/casein-free and refined sugar-free menu planning attempts, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! 😀 Before I share my menu plan, there are a couple of things I would like to share with you.  First, I took the plunge this week and launched my […]

Weekly Menu Plan – Week of May 2 (and a Giveaway Winner)

  photo credit I returned home (a day early) from the Gluten and Allergen Free Expo in Chicago and I think I’m going to need a week to fully recover from all the fun and free food samples!  Seriously, I gained 5 pounds…in 3 1/2 days!! 😯 I will be sharing more of my trip […]

Weekly Menu Plan – Week of April 25 (and a Giveaway!)

It’s going to be another crazy week for me as I prepare to leave for Chicago on Thursday to attend the Gluten and Allergen Free Expo. This will be the first time that I’ve left my brood since embarking on “Operation Leaky Gut” and I have to admit that I’m a little nervous as to […]

Ranch Dressing: Corn-Free, Dairy/Casein-Free, Egg-Free and Soy-Free

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE Ranch dressing! I love it on my salads, I love it as a veggie dipping sauce (okay, the veggies are really more of a Ranch delivery vehicle), I love to dip pizza in it and…(close your eyes)…I LOVE to dip my medium-rare grass fed beef tenderloin in […]

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free “Hostess” Cupcakes

Homemade Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free”Hostess” Cupcakes, why did it take me so long to try this?  I guess I forgot that “Fresh, Wholesome Hostess and Kids Go Together!” 😯 Did you notice the part about being fresh and wholesome?  I won’t comment on the “wholesome” aspects because I think we can all agree that we know that […]

A New Twist on the Plain Ole Lunchbox Sandwich: Spring Rolls (and Vegan Pumpkin Dip)

This post is linked to September’s edition of  “Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free!” which is being hosted by Ali over at The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen.  Ali chose the theme: Ideas for Packing a Healthy School Lunch, yea!!!  I am really excited to see all of the fantastic ideas that will certainly come of […]

Mini Pops Popped Sorghum Review (and Giveaway)!

I am SO EXCITED about this review and giveaway that I can hardly stand it!! To all my corn-free friends out there (especially the itty-bitty’s), it’s time to throw a popcorn Mini Pop party! What the heck is a “Mini Pop” you ask?  Well, Mini Pops are an itty bitty corn-free version of popcorn made […]

Lunchbox Fun: Inside Out Sandwiches & Homemade “Panera Bread” Tomato Soup

The inspiration for this nifty little concoction came from the Taste of Home Magazine.  I thought this would be a great introduction to the joys of sandwiches for my kiddos, who are meat-sandwich adverse.  I really don’t get it, but they will only eat a nut butter & jelly sandwich.  Deli meats must be cubed […]

Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger: Alexa from Lexie’s Kitchen

I am really excited to finally be participating in my first “Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger” event! The Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger program was started by Sea of Book of Yum, in 2008.  This is a great way to get to know gluten-free bloggers by trying some of their recipes! August’s Adopt a GF Blogger is […]

Homemade Gelatin-Free “Jello” Oranges and Fruit Cups

My youngest son loves “jelly” cups (a.k.a. Jello/Gelatin), but when we started a synthetic dye-free challenge a few months ago, out went the Jello brand gelatin cups!  I tried a product by the NutraDrink company called Natural Jel Desserts back in May (see my “Funny Oranges post”) and while I was initially impressed with the […]