Kim over at Gluten Free is Life just made a post on gluten free candy. Thanks Kim! Halloween is fast approaching and it’s time to start compiling updated lists on what candy to keep and what candy to discard from the kiddos treat sacks. Kim has a list from 2008 here. Gluten Free in San […]
Colorations Gluten-Free Play Dough & Disposable Art Gloves
There is so much to consider when sending a GF child to school! Everyday seems to be a new experience and I realize I have yet ANOTHER GF supply that I either need to make or buy! I have posted a recipe for GF Play Dough in the past and while it is great dough, […]
Gluten Free Snack Box for School
Just thought I would show the snack box that I make for each of my boys to take and keep at school. This saves lunch box space and they always have a “backup plan” should another child, etc. bring in an unplanned treat for the class that is not GF. Sam and Luke will always […]
Kinnikinnick S’moreables Gluten-Free Graham Crackers
It is that time of year again. Campfires, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows, and the quintessential essence of all things summer, S’mores. When beginning my new gluten-free life 5 years ago, I quickly learned that the sooner I could forget about how something “should” taste, the better off I would be. In what seems like […]