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Gluten Free Snack Box for School

Just thought I would show the snack box that I make for each of my boys to take and keep at school. This saves lunch box space and they always have a “backup plan” should another child, etc. bring in an unplanned treat for the class that is not GF. Sam and Luke will always have something special for themselves.

I use a 30 quart plastic storage box that I clearly label with their name and the words “Gluten-Free.” No, I didn’t order mine from Amazon, just wanted to show you a better picture of it! Target, Walmart, Kmart would all carry these, as well as other sizes.


Inside, I put shelf stable “pantry” snacks like pretzels, Corn Nuts, applesauce and fruit cups. Pudding cups are also greatly appreciated on occasion.


My boys LOVE Clif Kid Twisted Fruit ropes. Heck, I even like them! The flavors are INTENSE and tart..(think Sour Patch Kids tart). They are organic and “count as a serving of fruit.” This is what I love about Amazon: I have seen these sell for as much as $0.99 EACH at local stores. On Amazon, if you do the subscribe and save (where shipping is always free and you can cancel at any time…I sound like a commerical), a box of 24 that would normally sell on Amazon for $14.99, drops to $12.74; or $0.53 EACH. That is almost half off!

I also recently stumbled upon Fruit Roll-Ups Simply Fruit fruit rolls. Yummy, all-natural fruit roll-ups! I found these at my local Target. You can call General Mills to ask where they sold at a store near you. 1-800-231-0308.

My boys also love Envirokidz Chocolate Crispy Rice Cereal Bars and Gluten Free Licorice by Candy Tree. The licorice is also great to take to the movies (instead of Twizzlers that contain wheat flour). I
also used 2 licorice ropes as the antenna in Luke’s Very Hungry Caterpillar birthday cake.

I also throw in a bag of disposable plastic spoons and a box of Kabnet Wax wax paper sheets for the kids to use as a “disposable placemat.” I get my Kabnet Wax at my local Sam’s Club.

As you can see, I use a label maker to clearly mark what the wax paper is for, and I labeled the bag of spoons (although I took the picture before I put the label on). I then use a yellow Sharpie marker to highlight the labels so they stand out. Since the labels have a glossy finish, a regular fluorescent highlighter would just wipe off.