Have you heard of hard lotion yet? If not, listen up because this stuff is awesome! 😀
If you or your child suffers from gluten intolerance or food allergies, then there is a good chance you are all too familiar with the many skin conditions that often accompany both food allergies and gluten intolerance: eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, dermatitis herpetiformis, and Xerosis (dry skin) just to name a few. Lucky me, I’ve suffered from all of those skin conditions over the course of my lifetime! If you’re interested in reading research on the association between gluten intolerance and various skin disorders, I shared several medical journal articles in this post.
My little guy, Luke, also suffered from a pretty bad case of eczema, before we found out he was gluten sensitive, casein intolerant and allergic to egg whites (breaks my heart to this day just looking at the following photograph – I really had no idea back then):
A good skin care regimen can go a long way in relieving the painful symptoms of various skin afflictions – but no skin cream will permanently fix the problem if a food allergy or intolerance is the underlying root cause of the problem. Dr. Vikki Petersen discusses the mechanism behind how gluten intolerance can affect our skin in the following video:
So what the heck is Hard Lotion you ask? Well, it’s a brilliant idea actually. MadeOn Hard Lotion was founded by Renee Harris after her own suffering from dry skin and her son’s seasonal eczema. Hard lotion is lotion that is solid at room temperature. It is designed to specifically protect hands and feet from cracked skin and extreme dry skin (for more delicate skin, try the Beesilk Jr). You can read more about Hard Lotion here.
What I like about the original Hard Lotion is that it only contains 3 ingredients: coconut oil, Shea butter and beeswax. The Au Chocolat Hard Lotion uses cocoa butter in place of the Shea butter for that warm cocoa scent. And it’s so easy to use – just like using a bar of soap!
I’ve been using hard lotion for the past few months (I wanted to give it a good test drive before endorsing it) and I’m happy to report that my skin is as smooth as a newborn baby’s bottom – especially in the areas that are notoriously dry and rough, like my elbows, knees and heels. I live at high altitude and in an extremely arid climate here in New Mexico, so dry skin is a constant battle. No matter how much water I drink, a quality emollient is still mandatory. I’m also either barefoot or in flip flops year round and my house is covered in ceramic tile (carpet is not a good idea when you have dogs and allergies), so my heels have a tendency to callous – that problem is gone now since I’ve been using the hard lotion (and socks to keep the lotion on)! 😀
True Blogger Confession: I’m a Lip Balm Addict!
Yep, it’s true, I’m addicted to lip balm and have been since I was a kid – just ask my dad, it used to drive him nuts and he would hide my lip balm to try and “help” me overcome my addiction – only to give it back when he could no longer endure my withdrawal fits, LOL! My addiction is so bad in fact, that if I were stranded in a desert, I think I would give up water before I gave up my lip balm. No joke.
My addiction didn’t just pertain to any ol’ lip balm though, it was to one brand in particular: Carmex.
Now, the powers that be over at Carmex state that their product is not addictive (seriously, they’ve actually addressed this question, LOL!) and they also state that Carmex is gluten free. Nevertheless, I am seriously trying to cut back on my petroleum consumption these days – did you know that the average woman consumes approximately 6 POUNDS of lipstick in her lifetime? If that’s the case and seeing that I’m anything but average (I’ve never been accused of do anything “small”) I’ve probably consumed about 28 pounds of petroleum lip balm thus far…ewww!
Anyhoo, I have tried many times over the years to make the switch to a petroleum-free lip balm, but none of the more natural lip balms I’ve tried have stood up to the thick filmy shield that Carmex provides. MadeOn’s Peppermint Lip Balm does not provide the same type of shellac that Carmex does, but I do think it holds up SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER than all the other natural products I’ve tried thus far – and it tastes really good too. 😉
I do believe I’ve finally found the product that will cure me of my Carmex ways for good!
Only 4 ingredients: Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Essential Peppermint Oil.
MadeOn Diaper Rash Cream
3 Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Beeswax and Zinc Oxide
I REALLY wish the MadeOn Diaper Rash Cream had been around back when Luke was a baby and battling the most ferocious diaper rash on the planet – the type that left open, festering welts on his bottom and would bring my 6’2, 200 lb. iron-clad father to his knees. The same type that all his doctors told me was “normal” (after they handed me a prescription for yet another topical steroid cream) and told me I should just go ahead and potty train him…at 11 months old! (Are you kidding me?? Have you ever tried to potty train an 11 months old boy, Mister M.D.??? Yeah, that’s what I thought!). Luke’s rash was so painful for him that I even resorted to giving him tea baths twice a day in my kitchen sink to try and help alleviate the pain but nothing – and I do mean nothing, mainstream diaper rash ointments only made the pain worse – was available back then that could help ease his discomfort while I was desperately looking for the reason behind his toxic poo. (Note: it wasn’t until we eventually discovered and eliminated his food allergies, treated him for a hookworm infection AND put him on an anti-candida diet to treat his yeast overgrowth several years later that Luke was finally able to quit living in constant pain).
Would you like more opinions of MadeON Hard Lotion?
Check out the following reviews from a few of my fellow gluten free bloggers:
Would you like to try some Hard Lotion for yourself?
Well, here’s your chance (psst…these will make for GREAT stocking stuffers this holiday season!). 😉
**This Giveaway is Now Closed**
Renee, the founder of MadeOn Hard Lotion is offering THREE Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom Readers their choice of a 3-pack Hard Lotion Gift Bag, in either the Original or Au Chocolat formula!
To enter for a chance to win this giveaway,
Leave a comment telling me whether you’re are now (or ever have been) a Lip. Balm. Addict.
Bonus Entry Opportunities (strictly optional, but should you decide to do any of the following, be sure to leave a separate comment for each task you complete as this is how I keep track of entries).
- Follow MadeOn Hard Lotion on Facebook
- Share the link to this giveaway on Facebook (be sure to tag @Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom in your status update so I know you did this).
- Share the link to this giveaway on Twitter (be sure to include @adventuresgfmom in your tweet so I know you did this).
I will announce the 3 winners on Friday, December 9, 2011…good luck! 😀
What an awesome product and giveaway! Oh yes- definitely a lip balm addict. After figuring out all of my allergies, I've been nervous to try any lip balm for fear of harmful ingredients, so I'm happy to learn about Renee's products.
Currently slapping some lip balm on right now! My 4 yr old has awful chapped lips and I am so nervous to put anything on her since I fearful of a reaction!
I liked them on FB.
I followed MadeOn's fb page (under my blog page 'Brunch at Saks')
Tweeted the giveaway and mentioned @adventuteresgfmom in it as well. Here is the link to my tweet:
I am quite the lip balm addict during the winter. My lips just do not hold up well in the cold, dry air.
My daughter became a lip balm addict when her Celiac was not yet diagnosed and she suffered horrible canker sores, her lips would get dry and crackly when she had a mouth full of canker sores and simply didn't drink enough, and ended up mouth-breathing at night.
I had canker sores my WHOLE life. Until i went gluten free. The minute now I eat a crumb of gluten I start getting one. If it is only a crumb it will go away without much pain. But if I get a lot of gluten it is horrible. Also, if I eat a lot of chocolate I get them as well. The way I think of it, if the gluten is doing that to my mouth, that is what it is doing to my gut.
I'm following MoveOn Hard Lotion on FB.
I can say I am NOT a lip balm addict but need to be 😉 My lips get so dry in the winter. I find it both comical and sad that I relate to your post so well. In fact I have a picture of my own chubby little one in the exact same "trouble" tee shirt only in black. It does break my heart to see the pictures of my boys with their red little faces and I was told the EXACT same thing about the potty training! I tell you, MD's should have a whole semester of learning on just pooh, skin and allergies because us moms can teach them a thing or two!
I also find this post amusing because I JUST made an all natural sugar scrub that I love and was pondering doing a lotion very similar to the one you speak of. My mom has fibromyalgia and follows the Fengold protocol. So she can't have a lot of stuff in standard products or anything with perfume. I was attempting to make her some hand made treats for Christmas. I like that these products don't have either of those. So maybe I should just buy some huh 🙂 Oh and on the Carmex addiction thing. I did see a news report saying that there is something addictive in Carmex. Not that the news always is correct. Thanks again Heidi for an awesome post.
My daughter is gf, cf, nf, we are always looking for a lip balm. I too am gf, so I'm very interested in this new product. Thanks for all the infor.
I am definitely a lip balm addict. I have to always have a tube with me. I have six siblings and they also never go anywhere without lip balm.
I'm not quite a lip balm addict, though it does bother me when my lips are dry since they tend to crack and bleed easily (though my answer is drinking lots of fluid, especially if I don't have lip balm with me, so not completely addicted.) I do have a lot of lip balms scattered around the house, and I have been trying to find more natural (less chemical) options (Carmex is still my overnight choice – I used to use a similar Blistex product, but it's no longer sold.) I also have problems finding lip balms without gluten or corn (vitamin E and citric acid being the main culprits.) Would totally love to win this, as I struggle with dry skin in the winter and nothing but the change in seasons seem to clear up it, so the lotion and the lip balm would be quite helpful.
I like MadeOn Hard Lotion on FB.
Yes, definitely love lip balm! I hate the feeling of dry lips. My 2 year old is quickly becoming one too – so much so I have to hide my tubes from her or they get nasty. Though she is getting better about putting it on once and leaving it… for awhile anyway. I would love to try this particular brand. I've been eyeing it and hearing good things. Ooh, to have soft heels again!
And poor little guy with a horrible rash. That's so hard. My boys had more eczema than diaper rash, though one suffered from a constant, lighter rash until going gluten-free. When I run into parents whose child has a constant rash I first ask to make sure it isn't a yeast infection and then second, talk to them about what their kids are eating. I don't think too many took me seriously despite our history. Ah well.
I am a complete lip balm addict! I have no less than five tubes at any given time. I keep them in the washroom, my bedroom, the kitchen, the living room, my purse, my car, at work.. LOL If I don't have one with me, I will start to panic a bit.
Whether I win one of these or not, I'm definitely going to check out this company! I have terrible dry skin, and get the itchy rashy stuff at times. My daughter also has eczema.. and the diaper rashes. Not as bad as your son… she doesn't get them often.. but when she does, it's terrible to get rid of!
Thank you for sharing the info on this company!
I like MadeOn on Facebook.
I love MadeOn Hard Lotion!! Every winter I would sport no less than 3 bandaids at a time on my fingers but so far this year I haven't had to since using Hard Lotion. I recently bought the lip balm. Love it!!!
Oh, and I get their news letter in my email, does that count???
I am totally a lip balm addict. I've tried to curtail the behavior, but when my eczema flairs up, my lips get pretty irritated… So I'm used to just slathering it on to prevent me from touching them or itching the surrounding skin.
I am not a lip balm addict but I am very picky about my lotions and lip balms. I can not stand the greasy feeling on my hands after applying lotion so this sounds like a winner! Thank you for the links to gluten sensitivity and skin conditions too! Maybe that's what my hubby needs to see from someone other than me to believe his psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are likely aggravated by gluten. 🙂
I am now a follower of MadeOn Hard Lotion on FB. 🙂
I lOved chapstick so much as a child, Santa put some in my stocking every year. Now, lipbalms are my "lipstick". Would love to win this one!
I liked MadeOn on fb
I'm only addicted at night. I can't fall asleep unless I've got a good coating. I haven't found anything GF yet that compares to the chapstick that I miss, I'll give this a go.
Hello, my name is Christy, and I'm a lip balm addict. Ha, ha! I have tubes everywhere (car console, 2 kitchen drawers, nightstand, bathroom drawer, etc), just so that it's available to me in any given room. I use balm all day long and I too, love Carmex. My balm stash is getting low and I would love to have the opportunity to replace my addiction with a healthier, non-petroleum form.
I "liked" MadeOn on Facebook. 🙂
I shared this link on FB and tagged you. 🙂 Thanks so much for this opportunity!
I shared this link on Twitter as genivevesgarden and tagged you. 🙂
we all desperately need this product in our stockings. daughter with eczema, son won't take a bath, dad is a lip balm addict, falling apart in the high altitude!!!
I have lip balm everywhere in pretty much every room in my house – even the car. Can't live without it! Would love to try MadeOn.
I became a lip balm addict pre-celiac diagnosis when I was anemic…lips were so dry and cracked all the time!! I would love to try the Madeon products-they sound wonderful! 🙂
Lip Balm addict all the way! I've got Carmex all over the place. In my purse, car, kitchen drawer, bath, nightstand, diaper bag…Did I leave any place out? Once I put it on, I literally feel my lips say Ahhh! Ridiculous!
I'm not really a lip balm addict, but I should be because my lips are always cracked and dry! I loved the video because me and my son are both gluten free but both still have skin problems. Thanks for the info!
Yes, I am a Carmex addict too! My husband made the switch to Burt's Bees but I just haven't been able to do it. I too would give up just about anything but Carmex if I was stranded! I'm glad to know I'm not alone.
I liked MadeOn on Facebook!
I made a link on my FB page to your giveaway (hope I did it right).
Not a lip balm addict, but we certainly have dry lips in my family. Dry climate, especially winter, makes it much worse. My 3rd child has dry skin so bad that we have nicknamed her the "alligator baby". The skin on her legs will actually crack in the winter. No amount of lotion seems to make it go away, it does make it softer.. She is gluten free dairy free (like the rest of my family), but it didn't make a dent in her skin. I will work on getting some good probiotics into her on a regular basis and will try this lotion too!
Hmm. Not a lip balm addict, but I've read the stuff about Carmex being addicting and weaned myself off it for those reasons. I definitely would like to try Hard Lotion and see how it stands up to the New Mexico climate. I could be a poster child for a "before" photo of dry and cracked heels.
following MadeOn via facebook
I am not an addict, but should become one. My lips are always cracked and dry!
I don't know if it counts as lip balm addict, but I do put lanolin or shea butter on my lips just about every night.
I constantly battle dry, cracked hands during the winter, not to mention the rough, dry knees and elbows. I've been using the One Minute Manicure to help alleviate the problem (http://www.oneminutemanicure.com/). It definitely helps to smooth the skin but it's a bit messy to use and the effects don't last long enough (and I can't take it with me to reapply later on because no matter how careful I am, I always end up with the oils getting everywhere).
Have been addicted ever since my first visit to Trader Joe's, they have the best lip balm, but would love to try this product.
I am a lip gloss addict and a little sickened that I actually consume it, blah. Thanks for the chance to win, it would be for my daughter!
Definitely addicted to lip balm. I even have to have it on my bed stand so I can put it on in the middle of the night!
I too am a Carmex addict! I'd love to give these natural products a try.
I wouldn't say I am an addict but I do use lip balm at least once if not twice a day. I am always looking for new safe products, these look great!
I used to get seriously cracked lips in the winter – I think all of the changes to my diet have helped, though, and I don't lather lip balm on so much anymore.
I can't say I'm an addict, but my 5-year old has the potential to be. I'd love to try these products!
I have never been a lip balm addict. It seems my lips get worse whenever I use anything on them. I am allergic to preservatives, and I've read that while aloe is good for skin, it is NOT good for lips. It's hard to find a lip balm that does not have these ingredients. I would love to have smooth lips that don't hurt, though. I would like to try this product.
OMG – Carmex was the bomb as a teenager!!! Such an addiction then – I DO think it is addictive.
Nothing now, just some Burt's Bees with a little color every now and then, but I am so looking forward to trying out all of the MadeOn products,
No, sorry I'm not an addict of lip balm:) I only think to use it when my lips are chapped in the winter. I am curious about these products in your giveaway. I have Dyshidrosis rash on my hands and feet which flare up during stress. I have been wheat free for 6 years now and try to keep sugar to a minimum. Thanks for the chance!
I was a huge lip balm addict in middle school and high school- body shop – everyone was! Now not so much
I liked madeon hard lotion on FB!
I am a lip balm addict.
I follow made on on Facebook.
Yep, lip balm addict! Always have some with me. I would love to try this product!
I twe
I'm so sorry. I am posting from an iPhone. I just wanted to post that I tweeted the giveaway. @gfreemaui
AH! Yes! As I was reading your story, I was like "That's Me!" For me, I've been addicted to the Burt's Bee's Pomegranate Balm for about 7 years now, and recently discovered that I'm allergic to soy, which is in the lip balm…so… I'm a little lost right now. My husband refuses to let me borrow his because I use it up so fast! He uses a petroleum based kind, which I am also trying to stay away from. This product sounds fantastic! I have an 18 month old daughter who sounds EXACTLY like Luke. In fact, she has had a painful diaper rash for months now and NOTHING will get rid of it. I'm not going to waste money or time to try steroid creams because honestly, I know it may only cover up the symptoms. I know that she has an underlying problem, simply because she's always suffered with her allergies (I have lots of those painful photos myself, because we didn't discover hers until she was almost 12 months). I think we have eliminated all of her allergies, bet it seems like just when we think we've got a handle on it, another one shows up (she has like 10 of them now that we've discovered). Poor girl just can't catch a break! Anyway, after reading your post, I think we definitely need to dig further into the cause, it may be more than just allergies, like an infection or something.
Thank you so much, this is a huge help!
I posted on Facebook.
Oh my gosh I NEED this stuff!!! My feet are terrible!!! 😉
I'm addicted to lip balm too but find very few that don't cause a reaction on my lips – interested to try this one. Even Burt's Bees bothers me 🙁 this lotion sounds like a great product – something you can carry in your purse without it getting squished and exploding. I'm thinking it wouldn't count toward liquids for TSA either 🙂
I haven't found a lip balm that I could use because of soy in so many things. My lips get so dry that sometimes they peel and bleed. I have to keep something on them at all times, even when I go to bed. I have Oral Lichen Planus, so that might be causing the problem. I would love to try this lip balm!
Always education others, thanks! Never thought to check the chap stick my boys use. Thank you for the prompt. Neve heard of Madeon, will keep my eyes open for it.
Yes, definitely have to have my lip balm…without it I constantly lick my lips which only makes them chapped uughh! So I LOVE a good lip balm! Would LOVE to try this lip balm 🙂
I'm an addict by force! My lips get so dry in the winter time I have to carry it around everywhere!
I have always been addicted to lip balm! i'm constantly putting it on! though, i don't even think the chapstick i use even has an ingredient list. sounds like a great product, i bet the chocolate one smells delicious!
I'm a lip balm addict because the feel of smooth lips is simply amazing. Chapped lips make it difficult to smile, but smooth lips let you express your true inner happiness!!!!!
I love lip balm-especially during the winter months!
I am totally a lip balm addict, they are in every room of my house and every one of hoodie pockets!
Hey Heidi, I'm not entering the giveaway, but wanted to first thank you for this awesome post! You always win the prize for packing in the most solid content in your posts. As heartbreaking as those pics of Luke are, they really demonstrate the point of how food issues cause skin damage and more. And FYI, just last week, the doctor told my mother to STOP using Carmex, that it was not helping her cracked lip, but just the opposite. Second, thanks for the link love. And, third and last, I want to add my own "over-the-top" endorsement to MadeOn Skin Care products. I posted my review a while ago, but it was brief and we had not entered wood stove season at our house. Now I KNOW just how incredible the Bee Silk products are. My feet have never been this nice and soft once wood stove seaon hit. I can't recommend these products highly enough. Oh, and you know I love the beeswax factor. 😉
Awesome review! Those will be three happy folks who win! 🙂 xo,
my name is Kim and I am a chapstick/lip balm addict.!!! My chapstick of choice is Mentholatum Natural Ice..spf 15…when I found out I had celiac it was on of the first products I called to make sure was gluten free! Burt's Bee;s is second.
i follow made on hand lotion on facebook
i retweeted giveaway as kledford65 https://twitter.com/#!/kledford65/status/14452379…
Mine is Carmex also! I currently have 27 tubes of it on reserve in case I losse one that I carry in every coat pocket, car, purse, bag etc. My friend's call me carmex and laugh every single time I bring it out! i would love to win this for my dad he has the worst skin issues on his hands. I had just ordered him some new soap that as worked well on my family but haven't found a lotion yet.
Lip Balm junkie if there ever was one!!! Been looking for the "chemical" alternative and can't seem to hit a homerun with any. I'd love to try this, maybe it is what I've been looking for!!! : )
Tweeted!! as @thelemurknows!!!!
Liked on facebook and reposted the contest link!!!
I was a lip balm addict in high school – I think I single handedly kept Bonne Bell in business!
Became a fan of their FB page!
Posted the link on my fb page and tagged you!
Shared on twitter!
I shared this link on FB
I was addicted to lip balm in high school and college for sure! Now that I use coconut oil, I really don't need a lot of lip balm anymore.
Posted on Facebook
Posted on Twitter.
Liked Made on Hard on Facebook.
Oh My!!! Yes! I do love my lip balms. Thought I loved them especially for fall and winters on the east coast, that was NOTHING!! Moving to Tucson, I never left home without water and lip balm. I could have used that Hard Lotion for the transition of desert living!!!
I bought two of the small gift packs for stocking stuffers. My kids are both in their 20's but your pictures look exactly like what we went through with my daughter. She was even allergic to her sweat- if she got to hot she would break out in a rash. She is still struggling with make-up etc. I'm hopeful this helps.
Thanks for the tips. I'm gluten free and living strong.
FYI- I have a Berkley Prime Crime mystery coming out in 2013 set in a GF bakery- with recipes.
Find me on twitter and facebook @nancyjparra
I am an addict! Like you have no idea.. I have lip balm in my purse.. my desk at work.. my car.. my pocket.. my bedroom.. I pretty much try and hide it everywhere to cover my grounds if I misplace it.. which happens all the time! Lol. I am a believer! I would love to win this! 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity!
POsted on facebook!
Liked MadeOn Hard Lotion on facebook! 🙂
Living in Arizona = lip balm addict!
I'm a lip balm user during the winter months.
What a great giveaway! I've used this product, love it! Would love the chance to win.
I would love to win this! I am struggling with dry skin and my son has eczema.
I also "liked" the company on Facebook. I am a current lip balm addict.
I am a lip balm addict too. I stopped using plain Vaseline on my lips about a year ago. I now use a coconut oil, beeswax one from Whole Foods.
I have always been a lip balm addict just like you! My current fave is Badger vanilla bean but have tried and used about everything on the market. Now that I can't have soy I have to be really careful- it's in EVERYTHING. It's been so much harder avoiding soy than gluten or dairy. Thanks for introducing me to MadeOn. Can't wait to give it a try!
I tweeted this as well!
I'm a partial lip balm addict – but I carry a tube of Aquaphor with me everywhere. For lips AND any random dry spot that may pop up.
I am SO excited to read about MadeOn hard lotion!! I suffer from a number of contact allergies that make it extremely difficult to find something to alleviate my severe dry skin. With only 3 ingredients, this might be the answer!
I'm following Made On Lotion on FB and just made my first purchase… but would love to win something so that I can share the love;)
Allergies are a part of life and we must think about smarter ways of dealing with them. I believe natural products are the best as there are hardly any side effects. I kid in the first image looks so lovely but I hope his eczema gets healed soon 🙂
Shared on Twitter
Yes, I've definitely been a lip balm addict!
I like them on FB.
I shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/HardLotion#!/uhdoy/posts…
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/DucktorWho82/status/1452168…
Yes, I use lip balm on a daily basis. Just to keep my lips from chapping and cracking.
I have never been a lip balm addict! But would love to try this!