NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

The Faces of Celiac Disease

Traditionally, Celiac Disease Awareness month is in October and has been since 1987.  In 2009, Canada started to promote Celiac Awareness in May, which I think is GREAT, the more, the better!   On Friday, April 30th, 2010; Zach over at Gluten Free Raleigh made a blog post announcing that North Carolina Governor, Beverly Perdue, […]

Homemade “Safe Cleanser” Recipe from the Dr. Oz Show

I while back I had the Dr. Oz Show on in the background and my ears piped up when I heard “homemade non-toxic cleanser.” I just had to try it. I have been slowly trying to remove most chemicals from our house but have been resistant to homemade cleaners using vinegar, because I don’t want […]