NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

In My Gluten Free Kitchen

Today, I am honored to share with you a tour of my gluten free kitchen over at my friend Wendy’s blog, Celiacs in the House.

And while you are checking out the place where I spend the great majority of my time, I will be setting sail for the Caribbean on the Disney Fantasy cruise ship.  Imagine, a week without cooking three meals a day, someone please pinch me.

I promise to take lots of photos and share all the gluten free details as soon as I get back.

Well, assuming I come back.  I can totally see myself as an islander.  ;-D

Bon Voyage!


  1. Have a great trip!

  2. Please share the details of your dining as I am going on a Disney cruise in February!  I am also gluten, corn, soy, & dairy free.  Looking forward to hearing about the fun too!

  3. I am having such a fun time seeing everyone’s creative cooking spaces.  I loved seeing yours!  Thanks for sharing it!  🙂

  4. can’t seem to get the link to work and i don’t know how to contact the blog author. any ideas? thanks.