NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Freedom Foods Tropic O’s Cereal (a.k.a. Gluten, Allergen and Synthetic Dye Free “Fruit Loops”) with a Giveaway!

Gluten and allergen free moms, REJOICE!  The day has finally arrived that our kiddos can make the dreaded Fruit Loop necklace along side their classmates and no longer feel left out! 😀 It was precisely the above situation that led me to Freedom Foods in the land down under a couple weeks ago.  When Luke […]

Green Chile Chicken Posole

One of the soups I made for Sam’s birthday party was Green Chile Chicken Posole. I had it at a party once and I probably ate 20 bowls of it, well, not really but it was that good! I didn’t have a recipe to follow so I just tried to wing it on my own […]