NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten-Free Vegan French Onion Dip, Football Party Food (and a few giveaway winners)

Since going dairy-free earlier this year there have been few things I actually miss (I’m not vegan but we don’t eat dairy and my son is allergic to eggs).  Which is really quite surprising to me seeing that it wasn’t too long ago that I could put back nearly a gallon of milk a day.  If […]

Egg-Free Substitutions for King Arthur Flour’s Gluten Free Bread Mix

Of all the many successful ingredient tweaks I’ve made over the years, this is one I am especially proud of, an egg-free version of King Arthur Flour’s Gluten Free Bread Mix. While I no longer buy very many gluten-free prepackaged products, this bread mix is one occasional exception I will make for my kiddos (even […]

Creamy Cucumber Salad (corn-free, dairy-free, egg-free, soy-free, sugar-free)

I’ve been thinking a lot about my 96 year old grandma lately.  She and I have always been really close but sadly, we live over 1,000 miles apart and I haven’t been able to see her in nearly 3 years.  I’ve always been compared to my grandma, mostly by our similarly strong personalities but the […]

Gluten Free and Allergy Free Art Supply List

I can not stress the importance of gluten-free art supplies enough, especially for the preschool set.  Little ones are notorious for putting anything that is not intended to be eaten straight into their mouth (see exhibit A, below). And don’t think you’re off the hook if you have older children. Kids are funny little people, much […]

Raw Sweet Potato Chips

I know what you are probably thinking, “Raw sweet potato chips, Heidi?  Did your oven break?” Notice I didn’t say raw sweet potato slices.  Although, those are quite tasty too!  Allergic to carrots?  Cut raw sweet potatoes in the shape of carrot sticks and dunk in your favorite veggie dip, you just might be surprised. […]

Gluten-Free Happy Meals

I originally posted this last summer, but I thought I would do an update with better pictures. Last week, I took the boys to see “How To Tame Your Dragon” (a really GREAT movie by the way)! I loved the underlying message of the movie and thought it very appropriate for Sam, who has been […]