NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Shredded Beet Salad with Fresh Raspberry Vinaigrette

I am not an intuitive cook, nor did I grow up in the kitchen with my mom (thus learning how to cook).  My mom did not enjoy being in the kitchen and only did so because, well, we had to eat something.  I really don’t know where I developed a passion for food, but from […]

Old Fashioned Raspberry Bars

Yesterday, my family and I went off an a new adventure, we went raspberry pickin’!!  There is a great raspberry farm in a quaint little village near us, in Corrales, NM, called Heidi’s Raspberry Farm.  We all piled up and went on the hunt.  Eight pints later (and probably at least as much in Luke’s […]