NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

My Favorite Things – Gluten Free Style

I have two newly gluten free sisters and they have been asking me a lot of questions over the past month about what they can safely eat…and still tastes good.  Given that I had an incredibly difficult time adjusting to the gluten free diet when I was first diagnosed with celiac disease in 2005 (and […]

Gluten Free Rice “Krispie” Treats

I don’t about you, but ever since going gluten-free, Rice Crispy Treats have just not been the same since Kellogg’s Rice Krispies “left the pantry.” While there are some really good GF Rice cereals out there, the famous marshmallow treat of my past just wasn’t the same, “something” seemed to be missing. I presume it […]