NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Happy Mother’s Day

I made this cake in honor of all of my “Super Mom” friends out there for Mother’s Day.  I adore you all, and appreciate your collaboration, friendship and support. This is Jeanne’s (of Four Chickens The Art of Gluten Free Baking) Gluten-Free Tres Leche Cake, that I told you about yesterday.  I made it last […]

JASON Kids Only! Gluten Free Toothpaste

A recent funny post that Kim made over at Gluten-Free Is Life, titled “True Blogger Confessions,” got me to thinking about GF dental products, so I wanted to share the brand of toothpaste that I buy for my boys.  JASON Kids Only! is an all-natural line of products that are specifically designed for children. The […]