NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten-Free, Casein-Free, Egg-Free Gingerbread House

Today’s guest post is by my better half, the man “behind the curtain” in this Glutadoodle Oz of ours.  Without Mike’s love and support, I never would have been able to go on this 18 month journey of self discovery and seeking out the answers to our family’s health issues.  Little did he know 9 […]

Presenting…The 2009 Kelly Family Gluten-Free Gingerbread House!

Had ya didn’t I?  Yeah…no. I wouldn’t of fallen for it either! 🙂  For more on the real creator (Barry Parsons) of this beautiful gingerbread “manor” click here. The cold, hard reality: we are close kin of the Griswolds!! 😀 This is an update from my first post on making your own Gluten Free Gingerbread […]

Gluten Free Gingerbread House

The year Sam was born I started one of our own Christmas traditions, building an annual Gingerbread House! I used to buy one of the kits at the store and each year we had a lot of fun putting them together then taking pictures for our scrapbook. When I was the lone celiac in the […]