NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Enterolab Gluten Sensitivity and Gene Panel

I thought I would share the results from Luke’s recent gluten sensitivity and gene panel test that I ordered through Enterolab.  I realize there is some debate on the validity of these tests since Dr. Fine’s research hasn’t undergone the peer review process.  Either which way, I think it is a useful tool that can […]

Celiac Disease vs. Gluten Intolerance: Is One More Serious Than the Other?

I want to make one more post on the subject matter of Gluten Sensitivity before I get back to finding more fun recipes and ideas for our gluten-free kiddos. Since my diagnosis of celiac disease 5 years ago, I have been very interested in learning about my gluten sensitivity story.  This interest catapulted into a […]