NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Fluffy Buckwheat Pancakes, Chia Egg Replacer & Corn-Free Baking Powder

It doesn’t matter how you eat on a regular basis, one bite into one of these bad boys and I promise, you will be asking for more. I think these are without a doubt the best gluten-free pancakes I’ve made in the past 5 years and the most devilishly satisfying aspect of all? The pancakes […]

Marion’s Smart Delights Review and Giveaway

I have a great new gluten-free product line to share with you called Marion’s Smart Delights.  Well, I am 99% confident of that statement anyway, at least based on the trail of evidence left by a certain 3-foot little rascal in my house…but more on that in a minute. In the spirit of full disclosure, […]