I have quite a busy week ahead of me, my little one is getting ready to turn 4 (sniff) at the end of this month and I have some gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, refined sugar-free (and synthetic dye-free) Batman cupcakes to try and figure out how to make! Where’s that magic wand when I need it?? […]
Weekly Menu Plan – Week of July 18
posted on July 17, 2011 by Adventuresgfmom
Filed in: Menu Plans
Tagged: Casein-Free, Celiac Disease, Celiac Disease without Villous Atrophy in Children: A Prospective Study, Corn-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Food Allergies, gluten free, Gluten Free Diet Benefits Relatives of Patients with Celiac Disease, Grain-Free, Low Adherence to Biopsy Guidelines Affect Celiac Disease Diagnosis In the United States, Soy-Free, Weekly Menu Plan