NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Canyon Bakehouse Gluten Free Hamburger Buns (and a Giveaway!)

Isn’t that a pretty hamburger bun? And yes, it’s as soft and moist as you might be imaging it to be. While I couldn’t eat any of the buns from the complimentary package I recently received from Canyon Bakehouse for this review, I know how moist and fluffy they are because I was able to […]

My Favorite Things – Gluten Free Style

I have two newly gluten free sisters and they have been asking me a lot of questions over the past month about what they can safely eat…and still tastes good.  Given that I had an incredibly difficult time adjusting to the gluten free diet when I was first diagnosed with celiac disease in 2005 (and […]

Canyon Bakehouse Giveaway Winner!

WOW!!! I am blown away by everyone’s participation in this giveaway! I have such empathy for everyone who REALLY has to travel to find a store with a decent selection of GF foods, I didn’t realize just how lucky I am to live in a city with a Whole Foods, Sunflower Market, Trader Joe’s, Vitamin […]

Canyon Bakehouse Gluten-Free Bread Review (and Sandwich Puzzles!)

Recently, I was the lucky recipient of some complimentary gluten-free bread products from Canyon Bakehouse, a dedicated gluten-free facility in Loveland, Colorado. All I can say is… YUM! Funny story; the day the Canyon Bakehouse products arrived, I placed them on the counter and waited patiently until Mike and the boys got home from work/school […]