NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Cyrex Labs Array 4: Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods

Heads Up: this is a long post (it’s been 5 months in the making) but it is packed full of great information so if you can’t read it all now, please come back when time allows, or read it in sections (I’ve added a link at the bottom of the page for a printable version […]

National Autoimmune Diseases Awareness Month

March is National Autoimmune Diseases Awareness Month so I would like to help spread a little awareness on this often misunderstood and under-recognized epidemic. Do you know your AQ?  AQ is a play on IQ and stands for Autoimmune Quotient.  It’s about knowing how likely you or a loved one is to develop an autoimmune […]

Cool video… worth watching

I just saw this video on another blog and I found it to be inspiring and it really made me think. Any thoughts?