NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Slow Cooker Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

We do not eat gluten-free oatmeal very often, in fact it has probably been at least 3 months since the last time I made it.  I take precautions because there is still some uncertainty about them (you can read more about this on the Celiac Sprue Association website), so I try to diversify my risk […]

Sour Cream Fudge Cupcakes

I know, I know… it’s January 5th and everyone is dieting, trying to eat healthier and going through sugar detox from the holiday season. But what if you could have your “cake and eat it too?” Sorry, couldn’t resist that one! 🙂 I was going through my recipes that have been piling up and this […]