Heads Up: this is a long post (it’s been 5 months in the making) but it is packed full of great information so if you can’t read it all now, please come back when time allows, or read it in sections (I’ve added a link at the bottom of the page for a printable version […]
Cyrex Labs Array 4: Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods
posted on August 21, 2011 by Adventuresgfmom
Filed in: Featured, Healing Leaky Guts: Our Trip to HealthNOW Medical Center, Heidi, Luke, Medical Stuff, Medical Tests, Our Story, Research Articles, Resources, Sam, Videos
Tagged: airborne gluten, anti-gliadin antibodies, Array 4, Autoimmunity, Cancer, celiac blood panel, celiac disease without the genes, Cyrex Labs, Dr. Alession Fasano, Dr. Joseph A. Murray, Dr. Peter Green, Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Dr. Vikki Petersen, failure to heal on a gluten-free diet, Followup Celiac Tests, Gluten Associated Cross-Reactive Foods, Gluten Free Oats, How to heal a leaky gut, Leaky Gut, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, refractory celiac disease, Test Results, The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center