NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Gluten Free and Allergy Free Art Supply List

I can not stress the importance of gluten-free art supplies enough, especially for the preschool set.  Little ones are notorious for putting anything that is not intended to be eaten straight into their mouth (see exhibit A, below). And don’t think you’re off the hook if you have older children. Kids are funny little people, much […]

Jungle Junction Party Invitations and an Immaculate Winner!

Hello readers, I would like you to meet my nightmare friend, Ellyvan from Jungle Junction, a giant blue elephant on wheels (who thinks of this stuff?): I only say “nightmare” because my soon-to-be 3 year old LOVES this show (the real nightmare is my oldest son who planted the idea in his brother’s head for […]

Stage Cakes and a Synthetic Dye-Free Adventure

This post is linked to Gluten-Free Wednesdays Cake Challenge. Back in the spring I took several cake decorating classes in order to pick up a few tips for making the boy’s birthday cakes.  One class I took was called “Stage Cakes.”  Basically, you build a stage out of cake and then build a scene.  I […]

Aroma Dough Giveaway Winner!

Thank you all for your great ideas!!! It would be exciting to see them all come to life! 😉 The winner of the Aroma Dough Giveaway is… Lily Belland! Congratulations, Lily! Lily’s idea for an Aroma Dough character with color and scent was: Color:  Purple (not too vibrant) Scent:  Lavender/Vanilla Name:  Violet Val I think […]

Aroma Dough Giveaway!

This is SOOOO Exciting! I have ANOTHER giveaway! A few days ago, I posted my review of gluten free play doughs. Aroma Dough was one of the companies whose product I reviewed and Diane (one of the founders and a fellow mom!) has so generously offered to give away a Splat Mat Set to one […]

Gluten-Free Play Dough Reviews

This has been a fun “research” project for the Kelly household!  Over the past month or so, I have been collecting different brands of GF play dough.  In this product review, I will be including 4 different brands of GF play dough: Aroma Dough, Blue Dominoes, Colorations and Soy-Yer Dough.  My husband has been playing […]