NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Corn-Free Light “Corn” Syrup

So you may be asking why on earth am I making a post on this, especially since we do not have a corn allergy in our house. Well, I am making this post for a few reasons: 1) The documentary King Corn flipped me out. If you are interested, check out the film’s trailer below. […]

Gluten Free Dinner Rolls

I am finally taking a moment to breath and catch up on some posts! A few weeks ago, I received a complimentary 2.5 lb. sample of Better Batter Gluten-Free All-Purpose flour to review. A quick bit of info on Better Batter: the ingredients are: Rice and Brown Rice Flours, Tapioca Starch, Potato Starch, Potato Flour, […]

Tomato-Free Marinara Sauce

This is such a cool recipe! I have not made it in a few years, in fact I forgot about until I made a post and referenced a disease called Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE). Sam used to have a playmate with EE and I got the opportunity to play around with different combinations of foods that […]

Winter Oreos: Gluten-Free, Dairy/Casein-Free & Egg-Free

While at the grocery store the other day, Sam spied the Winter Oreos on display. While I was hoping he didn’t notice, the bright red cream put him in a trance! So he said, “Mom, you need to make these. So and so in my class brought them to school in their lunch and they […]

Gluten Free Chow Mein Noodles, Take 2

Whew, VERY busy day! I tried to catch up on my holiday “pre-baking.” I like to make all of my dough ahead of time, freeze them and then just pull them out and cook as needed. Today I got all of the peanut butter centers for my Buckeyes formed and frozen, and made 3 batches […]

Gluten-Free Sage Dressing

  This recipe hails from my Grandma Schmidt in Austin, Minnesota.   It is one of my favorite family recipes. I have very fond memories of making this dressing every Thanksgiving with my dad.  Traditionally, we always stuffed the bird which apparently is not a very safe way of cooking it…but it always came out very […]

Gluten-Free French Onion Rings

Ufta!  Sorry I haven’t made a post in a couple of days, yesterday was nuts because I had our carpets cleaned and in the excitement of that, I decided to rearrange my pantry…  which led to me painting the pantry…  which led to me painting the boys bathroom!   Ahhh, I love ADHD at times, I […]

Slowcooker Ribs ‘N Kraut and Homemade Applesauce

Okay…the recipe title is probably (okay, it is!) less than appealing, but this really is delicious! Take a chance and trust me :-p As I mentioned in the post with my cream puff recipe, I am of German descent. That being said, I developed a taste for sauerkraut at a very young age. I know […]