NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Ode to My Nose

Ode to My Nose My nose does sit upon my face, Above my mouth its happy place. A diamond stud adorns one side, A lovely piece that says “Don’t hide!” Yet for all its beauty and sleek delight, Such trouble it has caused, I want to fight! A growing menace behind the scenes, Has caused […]

Happy New Year!

Wow.  Where did 2010 go? This has been one heck of a year for me and my brood.  I will forever remember 2010 as the year that brought a whole new level dimension of awareness to me. I woke up this year. I have a new awareness that not everything is as it seems on […]

Fra-gee-lay… It’s a “Major” Award!

Sorry, I couldn’t resist a line from “A Christmas Story,” one of my favorite movies!! 😀 I want to say thank you to everyone who voted for me in the 2010 Top Allergy Blog Awards.  Due to your support, my blog won 3rd place!  It is your ideas and comments that have helped me improve […]

2010 Top Blog Award Nomination

Brought to you by: Medical Billing and Coding Certification Imagine my surprise the other day when I opened an email to read this: Dear Heidi, Congratulations! Your blog, Adventures of Gluten Free Mom, has just been nominated for the 2010 Top Allergy Blog award in the Medical category! Obviously, your readers think your content is […]

Happy Mother’s Day

I made this cake in honor of all of my “Super Mom” friends out there for Mother’s Day.  I adore you all, and appreciate your collaboration, friendship and support. This is Jeanne’s (of Four Chickens The Art of Gluten Free Baking) Gluten-Free Tres Leche Cake, that I told you about yesterday.  I made it last […]

Flash Mob at The Ohio State University

This is not a “gluten-free” related post (although it does give me an idea, see below), but I just had to share this super cool video of a flash mob dance at The Ohio State University (of which I am a proud alumni!!).  Kim, over at Gluten-Free Is Life emailed this to me this morning […]

Carrots are Carrots… Right?

I had completely forgotten about an article I had read a few years ago until Mike, the boys and I were watching Jaime Oliver’s Food Revolution last night (last week’s episode, as the only “Live” TV we watch anymore are sporting events. I am making a conscious effort to minimize how many ads Sam and […]

Sometimes You Beat the Gluten, Sometimes the Gluten Beats You

I think I have finally recovered from my GF Pretzel Rod Adventure from last week. Well, at least enough to post a few funny photos! So why did I even bother, you ask?  Well, that is a very good question! For Sam’s Friday Fun Snack last week, we needed a gluten-free version of these: But […]

That Is So Cool!!

Just for Fun

Gluten Free Goldfish Crackers, part deux

I think I have O.G.C.D. (Obsessive Goldfish Cracker Disorder). The recipe that I posted back in August by Roben Ryberg (founder of the famous Ms. Roben’s) for Goldfish crackers just continues to amaze people at how much they taste like the Pepperidge Farms version. They are super easy to make and you can even get […]