I’ve been thinking a lot about my 96 year old grandma lately. She and I have always been really close but sadly, we live over 1,000 miles apart and I haven’t been able to see her in nearly 3 years. I’ve always been compared to my grandma, mostly by our similarly strong personalities but the […]
Creamy Cucumber Salad (corn-free, dairy-free, egg-free, soy-free, sugar-free)
Homemade Ketchup (Corn-Free)
I’m not sure if it’s ketchup, catsup, or any other bizarre spelling, but if you are the parent of a child under the age of 10, then you always make sure that you NEVER run out of this key ingredient. My kids put this stuff on everything, even foods that just don’t seem to make […]
Homemade Beef Jerky, a Giveaway Winner…and a Revolution
Homemade Gluten-Free, Allergy-Friendly Beef Jerky. Easy to make, challenging to photograph (in an appealing fashion anyway)! 😉 I love beef jerky, but all too often the prepackaged variety contains wheat so therefore it is off limits to me and my brood. I’m actually kinda thankful for that because it is not only easy to make, […]
Fluffy Buckwheat Pancakes, Chia Egg Replacer & Corn-Free Baking Powder
It doesn’t matter how you eat on a regular basis, one bite into one of these bad boys and I promise, you will be asking for more. I think these are without a doubt the best gluten-free pancakes I’ve made in the past 5 years and the most devilishly satisfying aspect of all? The pancakes […]
Ranch Dressing: Corn-Free, Dairy/Casein-Free, Egg-Free and Soy-Free
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE Ranch dressing! I love it on my salads, I love it as a veggie dipping sauce (okay, the veggies are really more of a Ranch delivery vehicle), I love to dip pizza in it and…(close your eyes)…I LOVE to dip my medium-rare grass fed beef tenderloin in […]
Detox January and a “Blues Clues Smoothie”
When was the last time you said ‘I love you’ to yourself? Was it with a quiet day at the spa? A cucumber eye treatment with a purifying avocado, kale and lemon masque perhaps? Prior to a few days ago, that would have been my idea of self pampering. I’m great at wearing green veggies […]
Dairy-Free Buckeyes
I shared this recipe last year but it contained dairy-filled chocolateso I thought I would share how I went about making a dairy-free version this year. This was an easy tweak to make, especially since I had just received a complimentary sample of Boom Choco Boom Bars by Enjoy Life Foods. You could also use […]
Homemade Marshmallows: Corn-Free and Egg-Free (and Heidi’s Favorite Dairy-Free Hot Cocoa)
It only took me close to a year to attempt making homemade marshmallows again, but there is no better motivation than being thrust onto the food allergy playground! I first attempted to make corn-free, gelatin-free marshmallows last January (you can read that post here), but there were egg whites in it. I also used xanthan […]