Ever have one of those days (or weeks) when you feel like there is an ominous black cloud following you around? Well, I definitely had a big one shadowing me this past spring – manifesting itself in the form of mass electronic gadget destruction. Almost as if there were an electric current pouring out of my fingertip, frying everything I touched.
Broke my expensive DSLR camera.
Fried my even more expensive laptop.
Zapped the battery in my minivan…and was left without my sanity-saving satellite radio and GPS for a full week before I found the darned code to reboot the thing. A 45-minute commute (one way) with two bickering boys and no Flo Rida to drown them out…well, let’s just say I didn’t realize my voice could morph that dramatically. 😉
What finally pushed me over the edge? Dropping my Kindle in the bathtub (thank you E L James). I think that was the very moment when I knew it was time to “unplug” myself for a while and get back to basics for a tad bit. Okay, so it ended up being more like a whopping bit, but sometimes you just need to allow yourself a whopper (and no, I’m not talking about THAT Whopper, ick).
Ya know, time to put down the iPad and Wii remote and actually play a (gasp) board game? Time to shut off my computer and all that comes with it – blogging, email and social media. Time to actually sit down and read a real book (ya know, those still made from dead trees?) or flip through the glossy pages of a beautiful food magazine on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Time to reflect on why I struggle so much when it comes to finding balance in my life – like WHY, whenever I decide to do something, why does it always have to be at 125%, inevitably putting myself on the fast track towards running out of gas??
Not sure I’ll ever know the answer to that question, *sigh* BUT speaking of magazines…
did you know there’s a new gluten free magazine in town?
Simply Gluten Free Magazine: Allergen Free Made Simple
If the name Simply…Gluten Free sounds familiar, you are probably already a huge fan of Carol Kicinski’s popular blog of the same name, as well as her amazing cookbooks, Simply . . . Gluten-free Desserts and Simply . . . Gluten-free Quick Meals
Carol is now expanding her gluten free empire with a gorgeous new magazine, set to debut this November, and I am honored to be a contributor to this groundbreaking new magazine. Why is it groundbreaking you ask?
It’s going to be real.
What does that mean exactly? Read on my friends!
We have pulled together the internet’s top allergen free bloggers to create a beautiful, lifestyle magazine for people with food sensitivities by people with food sensitivities. These are the people who are not just writing about food sensitivities, they are people who are successfully living allergen free lifestyles every day.
Rather than focusing on deprivation, Simply Gluten Free Magazine will celebrate the abundance of a gluten and allergen free life. We will provide simple, beautiful solutions to the challenges you face.
Simply Gluten Free will be an aesthetic, high-quality print magazine with a fully digital version, issued bi-monthly which the readership will want to collect and savor throughout the years.
While food and recipes will always remain at the core of the magazine, we will also cover such topics as Beauty, Medical and Nutrition, DIY (Do It Yourself) and Crafts, Fitness, Homekeeping, Entertaining, Travel, Eating Out, Special Needs and Special Diets.
In our Beyond Gluten Free Section we will provide mouthwatering, innovative and simple recipes for diets such as Paleo, Dairy Free, Vegetarian, Sugar Free and Vegan.
With an age range of writers that spans four decades, we will move across the age spectrum to include viable solutions from infancy and childhood to teen, college student, and young adult, to issues faced later in life as we are determined to leave no one out.
Expanding on the success of her bestselling cookbooks, monthly television cooking episodes on Daytime TV and popular gluten free blog, Carol Kicinski has teamed up with over twenty of the allergen free bloggers you already know and love to bring you fresh, innovative, relevant content and gorgeous photography in the magazine you have been waiting for.
Simply Gluten Free Magazine – Allergen Free Made Simple.
Here are some of the Associate Editors and Contributing Writers you can look forward to hearing from. Come celebrate with us!
Afton Jones
Alisa Fleming
Alissa Segersten
Angela Litzinger
Bernice Mast
Cara Lyons
Carol Kicinski
Cheryl Harris
Ellen Allard
Erin Pickering
Hallie Klecker
Heidi Kelly (that’s me!)
Jeanne Sauvage
Jen Penas
Kim Maes
Melissa McLean Jory
Ricki Heller
Stacy & Matt Toth
Stephanie O’Dea
So guess what? Yep, you got that right. Carol has kindly offered to give two of my fabulous readers a FREE one-year subscription (6 issues) to Simply Gluten Free Magazine – enter for a chance to win for yourself or to give as a great holiday gift!
Can you please pick me
Oh my gosh, yes, I have been trying to get my family to do a “no electronic weekend”, totally unplugged, no internet, no ipods, etc… I think it will be a good opportunity to be together and not worry about whatever message comes from our ipods and iphones. I am fine with it and believe I would have a great time, my son and my husband though… they would miss their technology for sure 🙂
Overall, unplugging for nearly 6 months has been a very good experience for our family…at least after the initial 2 week withdrawal and the bad mood swings that came with it. It was interesting to notice that none of us seemed to have much patience for a while and we grew bored of things rather quickly. After about 2 weeks though, our negative attitudes began to shift and we started to appreciate the slower pace of life, as well as getting to know each other on a much deeper level.
We’re all ready to “reconnect” again to the bigger, outside world though…I’m just scared of getting sucked back in, to the point that I forget to live my “real” life too.
Thanks for the chance!
I have tried a couple of times to “unplug”. I’ve been largely unsuccessful, but I do think I would “gain” a lot of time that is otherwise lost being plugged in…
I had to laugh when I read what drove you to give up electronics for a while. I’ve been thinking I should do the same thing. I always start with the best of intentions of being productive on the computer, and then I end up wasting way too much time on Facebook, food blogs and just Googling stuff that I am curious about.
I’m excited to see the new magazine. Thanks for the post.
By acknowledging that you laughed behind my final reason for unplugging, you do realize that you essentially “outed” yourself from the “Laters, Baby” closet too, right? Feels good, doesn’t it? LOL!
And don’t feel bad, I’m the same way…always used to start the day at 7am with the intention of writing/publishing a blog post within an hour…only to get distracted and find myself still sitting in my jammies at 5 in the afternoon. With no plans for dinner. And a cranky husband. 😉
I frequently unplug my phones (land-line and mobile) just to have a break from them. I love it … except when I forget to turn them back on. LOL
computer free monday…for the kids. likely should be for the parents, too…
I honestly don’t think I could handle being unplugged! I try REALLY hard not to be on my iPhone on the weekends, but it takes a lot of effort.
We did without internet and cable for several months last year. I learned to knit and sew. I will get back to those, um, soon…
I think being unplugged would be great! I would get so much more done, and it would give us more uninterrupted family time. 🙂
I love the concept of unplugging, but as a grad student, it just is not possible!
I’ve gone a few days at a time and its ok. I am glad that I don’t use our iTouch for the internet or even to play with and that we don’t have a tv or smart phones. So I have to get on the computer to use it. Anyway I’m not feeling the need to at this point.
If I were to unplug from the internet… I would be fine for the first day as long as I was busy then I’d start to loose it!
I would love this mag!
This would be the only mag I would consider subscribing to.
Thanks for the giveaway! But so sorry about your crazy life 🙁
My friend just went GF and what a fun gift to give her but this magazine….when I’m done reading it 🙂
I saw this magazine in Whole Foods recently and I was blown away at how awesome it is!!!!!! It sure would be a grace to win a subscription to it!
I prefer to remain unplugged – and yes, I know it’s a little crazy – and I’m only 29! I figured it was time to take a step back when my kiddos (ages 5 and 4) started pretending they were checking email and ‘facebooking’ (as they call it). I deleted my Facebook account a year ago (after multiple attempts to ‘kick the habit’) and have never been happier. Life is so much simpler when we’re not bombarded by drama and minute-by-minute plays from family members we rarely speak to, or people we may have had a couple of classes with in high school. I also downgraded my cell phone to one of the cheapo kind that only texts and makes calls. No more internet surfing or being alerted every 5 minutes that I have a new email. And I prefer the feel of ‘real’ books – there’s just something about the pages between my fingers and the weight of the book on my lap. Reminds me of the good ol’ days! LOL
I like my electronics but I *love my paper*… books and magazines just are not the same without pages to flip.
I don’t have an iphone and I’m not on Facebook, so there are many times during my day when I’m unplugged. I do, however, spend a good bit of time on or near my computer. We lost power one night a few weeks ago and it amazed me how I didn’t know what to do without TV and internet – I think I need to scale back a bit on the computer time!
I have been working hard to have a certain timeframe that I am online and that is IT! (just one more minute!) 😉 It isn’t easy. I recently started setting a timer for myself – it’s proving to be the thing that helps.
I would find it very difficult to unplug because I use technology every day in my profession.
I unplugged from Facebook over a year ago and it has been the best thing ever! I also unplug at least one evening a week………..I don’t get on anything electronic for the evening!
Unplugging is a sure way to get your balance back- re-connect with God and let him put your life back on track. The longer i try to do it on my own, the sooner I get fried out and He likes to gently remind me that I don’t need all the electronics (or radio!) to get through my day. His grace is sufficient and its easy to forget that!
Sounds wonderful, thanks!
Fifty made me drop my kindle a time or two also:) I would love to win.
I often wish for a less-digital life, even while I depend on it! The power was out frequently this summer, often for several days at a time. The whole family truly enjoyed board games, conversation, and laughing together. (The only thing we DIDN’T enjoy was trying to keep the frozen food from spoiling!) 🙂
I’m not even all that “plugged in”. I have no smart phone (Hubby and I share a StraightTalk phone), no ipad, ipod or ianything, no kindle. We have 1 desktop PC in the house and no laptops, 1 TV. However when the power went out overnight last week and didn’t get turned back on until the next afternoon, I thought I was gonna go crazy! A question would pop into my head and I would instantly want to go to the computer to look it up on the internet and couldn’t. I couldn’t get on facebook or check email, couldn’t put something on TV to occupy the kids while I made lunch. It was a rough 1/2 day! LOL
I think this is an excellent idea; being to connected can lead to more stress! I love to unwind with a knit or crochet project. It is my favorite way to unwind, relax, and de-stress!
To true….It usually hit me when I ma watching TV and “needing” a new toy. I have to step back and remember how much I love “real” books.
I would find it hard to turn off the computer right now, as I am building a house, and it is my “ideas book”! Also my 14yr old just started high school with a virtual academy. Other than that 🙂 no problem!
I know I’d be much more productive, more energetic, and a more attentive parent if I unplugged…but it is so hard. I’m working on it, though! Really!
Sometimes I get to unplug when I go somewhere that doesn’t have internet. I find it hard to do it at home because I’m addicted. Help! The new magazine sounds great! I would love to win it!
Lately I have been unplugging quite a bit, with class and my internship there just isn’t much time for it. I have to say I kind of like it. But now I feel bad like I am neglecting my blog – need to find a balance, and need to find it soon I think!
thanks for the chance to win a subscription! it sounds marvelous! I honestly don’t think I could’ve navigated this gluten free adventure without the Internet-blogs like yours, the recipes, etc. saved me and I am constantly signing up for more! so for me, I refuse to join Facebook-I do know my limitations!
I have decided to unplug some. I have given up my Facebook account and rarely regret it.
I would love to win this magazine subscription. Have been gluten free for a year and half and love new ideas!
I’d like to see a new GF magazine, especially one more pro the good stuff other than subtracting it…
I’ve tried the Facebook route but don’t think it was successful, so am posting here
And Thanks!
I’ve considered unplugging. From my cell phone, specifically. When I moved my laptop from the TV room into my office, that helped me unplug quite a bit. And doyou know what? I don’t miss it! I don’t miss the constant bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing of the TV and laptop simultaneously.
I look forward to getting my hands on this magazine! It looks awesome!
My family often unplugs – we take long weekend backpack trips and don’t take electronics with us. We don’t have cable and only one local channel so our tv watching is pretty minimal. Our downfall is internet. That one is hard to let go of during the week.
I feel is necessary to sometimes to catch yourself from the world… it’s easy to lose track of yourself when you’re always sharing most of yourself with the world instantaneously. find a very soothing relaxing to sit with a cup often and really good magazine, going at my own pace and enjoying every page turn so good luck with your new endeavor!
I love to unplug and curl up with a good book and a cup of tea
We frequently do media fasts. Internet is the hardest to give up because I use it for everything. We are currently trying to only use media (dvds and computer) twice a week. We don’t have any video games or TV stations.
As a self-professed luddite, it took me a very long time to get attached to technology(I bought my first computer used at 27). However, I got an iPhone about six months ago, and have struggled with stopping myself from checking it constantly. It is basically like carrying around a miniature computer, alarm clock, camera, phone, entertainment center all the time! It is a daily battle.
I frequently uplug with a good ol fashioned book, a real printed one, not an e-version and soak away in my tub with a nice glass of vino…it really helps calm the soul 🙂
I always love the times I pull away from all electronics, so why is it so hard to do?? 🙂
I love the idea of unplugging, but then it always seems so hard to go through with.
We live so far out in the country that we only get “plugged in” when we make a trip to town.
I unplugged for most of the summer!! It was FANtastic!!!
I am SO excited to see this. I recently reintroduced foods into my kids diets about a month ago, and they have all been sick for a week or two. My 3rd broke out in hives the other night… but hasn’t left the house in a week. I’m fairly confident it’s food… and I died a little more inside. I’ve just decided that instead of cooking 4 different meals to accommodate my texturally picky son and highly food senstive son, my gf/cf daughter and my supposedly sensitivity free {aside from oats} toddler, and since I’m breastfeeding my 5 week old… we are ALL going allergy free. I LOVE food. I love dairy. I’m terrified, and desperate… and SO glad that this magazine is coming out. THANK YOU!
I love that there are more “gluten free” and allergy free magazines popping up. It really is s-l-o-w-l-y making the way into main stream media!! I wonder if I can get this on my tablet? Oh, that would be fantastic! Great site by the way!!!
Beautiful. Finally a magazine that I can enjoy all the way through 🙂