NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Kisses for National Celiac Awareness Month

May is one of my favorite months of the year, my compost is starting to cook, the garden is beginning to bloom, the hummingbirds are singing their sweet melodies and I feel an overall sense of renewal.  The picture perfect analogy for how I felt after coming out of my “celiac-denial” cocoon four years ago.  When I realized that I couldn’t deny the dietary facts of my life anymore and began to slowly (I emphasize…slowly) heal, my world began to feel like a continuous spring day.  I came to the conclusion, supported by numerous scientific studies, that so many of the convenience foods that we take for granted are in fact, toxic to our bodies and should be avoided as much as possible.  In contrast, I have enjoyed planting my own garden over the last couple of weeks and watching the healthy and nutritious foods begin to sprout and grow tall toward the sun, the disgusting, yet somehow pleasing smell of manure and fish emulsion feeding my soil, and the ache in my back that I know will eventually produce a bounty of PERFECT food for our family.  As National Celiac Awareness Month commences, I would just like to remind us all to be vigilant with our diet, our children’s schools, and to continue to bring awareness to as many people as possible about the need for clear labeling, tolerance, and healthy dietary choices for all of us who deal with Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS).

Have a happy May…and go dig in the dirt! 😀

This year to celebrate National Celiac Awareness Month in May, the NFCA has rounded up 16 bloggers for a series chronicling every stage of the gluten-free journey, from Day 1 basics to advanced cooking and advocacy.  I am honored to be one of the 16 contributing.

In keeping with this year’s theme, Keep It Simple and Safe (K.I.S.S.), each blogger is offering 5 key tips or lessons related to that day’s topic. The guest posts start tomorrow, April 30, so check their blog daily!

Weekly Focus

  • Monday – Cooking/Baking Gluten-Free
  • Tuesday – Nutrition/Wellness
  • Wednesday – Raising a Gluten-Free Kid
  • Thursday – Dining Out Gluten-Free
  • Friday – NFCA Resources You Should Know About

Schedule and Guest Bloggers:

Week 1: Just Diagnosed (April 30-May 4)

  • Anne Byrn of The Cake Mix Doctor – Reading labels and cooking with boxed mixes
  • Shirley Braden of gluten free easily – Avoiding hidden gluten
  • Kathleen Reale of Be Free for Me – Talking to your child about celiac disease
  • Lisa Garza of Gluten Free Foodies – What questions to ask when dining out
  • NFCA – Discover NFCA’s Getting Started Guide

Week 2: Getting the Hang of It (May 7-11)

Week 3: Hitting a Roadblock (May 14-18)

  • Diane Eblin of The WHOLE Gang – 5 tips to get out of a food rut 
  • Alisa Fleming of Go Dairy Free  – First gluten-free, now lactose intolerant? 5 tips to becoming a dairy-free diva
  • Wendy Kaho of Celiacs in the House – Gluten-free challenges at school
  • Michael De Cicco-Butz of Gluten-Free Mike – Traveling while gluten-free
  • NFCA – 5 resources to handle life’s hurdles

Week 4: What’s Next? (May 21-25)

  • Amie Valpone of The Healthy Apple – Publishing your gluten-free recipes
  • EA Stewart of The Spicy RD – Healthy gluten-free foods you’ve never heard of
  • Katie Chalmers of G-Free Kid – 5 tips to empower gluten-free kids
  • Carrie Forbes of Ginger Lemon Girl – Starting a gluten-free dining group
  • NFCA – Ready to fundraise? Here’s how to start

Remember all of these posts will be on the NFCA’s blog, Celiac Central:  Bits and Bites.

For more Celiac Awareness Month  fun, including a chance to win a Gluten-Free Pantry Raid, visit 


  1. Shirley @ gfe says

    Beautiful intro, Heidi, and well said! May can truly be a fabulous month. We all need to be reborn on an ongoing basis. I just read this quote today, “When you are through changing, you are through. ~ Bruce Barton” Changing and growing is so important for all that is living. 🙂

    Happy to be part of KISS with you and so many other fabulous folks! 😉


  2. Pat @ Elegantly,Gluten-Free says

    You’re inspiring me, Heidi — to be more vigilant with my own health, to help spread the word to others who will benefit from better labeling & healthy diet choices, and to dig in the garden some more!  From the technical medical posts to the goldfish in your salads, truly, you are inspiring!

  3. So many fabulous resources this month, and there’s always something new to learn. Thank you for the links!


  1. […] the NFCA has rounded up 16 bloggers for a series chronicling every stage of the gluten-free ……/kisses-for-national-… Share […]