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Halloween Recipe Roundup and a Menu Plan

Are you ready for Halloween?  My boys sure are biting at the bit (okay, their mom is too).  Before your little beggar dives into his or her loot bag tomorrow, make sure you’re armed with the 2011 Gluten and Allergen Free Halloween Candy Lists!

Looking for Halloween recipe ideas?  Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page for some delightfully ghoulish recipe links!

On an exciting personal note; I was recently interviewed for an article on the subject of Kids, Food Allergies and School that appeared in the October 26th edition of the Albuquerque Journal (click here if you’d like to read the full article).


Menu Plan – Week of October 31

Halloween Monday:  Meatloaf Hand (see links below for gluten-free meatloaf recipes) and Blood Red Punch (there is a cool idea for making spider ice cubes in this link).

Tuesday: Mustard Pork Chops (for the hard cider, Woodchuck is gluten-free, or you could just use regular apple cider.  I will use canned coconut milk for the heavy cream to make this dairy-free), Baked Sweet Potatoes with Cinnamon (I will use coconut oil instead of butter and maple syrup instead of brown sugar),  Salad with Maple-Cider Vinaigrette.

Wednesday:  Twice Baked Acorn Squash with Beef and Vegetable Filling, Homemade Applesauce

Thursday:  Roast Beef (I will throw this in my slowcooker for 6 – 8 hours on low, along with some onions and Yukon Gold potatoes), Candy Carrot Coins, Salad with Dairy-Free Ranch Dressing

Friday:  Leftovers

Saturday: Pepperoni Chicken and Vegetable Salad with Italian Dressing (recipes to come)

Snacks for the week: 

Pizza, Buffalo Wing and Sour Cream & Onion Hummus with Raw Veggies from Nobel Pig (all 3 recipes are dairy-free)

Maple Pumpkin Pudding from Daily Bites

Gluten and Grain-Free Meatloaf Recipes

Meatloaf in Minutes from The W.H.O.L.E. Gang

Easy Meatloaf Muffins from Cook IT Allergy Free

Tasty Meatloaf in Mere Minutes from Gluten Free Easily

Paleo Meatloaf from Everyday Paleo

Seriously Tasty Paleo Meatloaf from Health-Bent

Kid-Friendly Halloween Recipe Ideas (either naturally gluten-free or easily tweaked to be so)



  1. Have a great Halloween, Heidi & family! 🙂 Thanks for linking to my recipes…they are both two of my faves.

  2. Thanks so much for the link love, dear! I'd love to be at the Kelly house for Halloween! 😉

    Congrats on the interview, too! So many new folks will find your blog from that piece and that's a fabulous thing! 🙂



  3. Yeah, you made the Albuquerque Journal. A star is born! Well deserved, I might add!


  1. […] finally, Heidi’s (Adventures of a Gluten-Free Mom) Halloween Recipe Roundup and Menu Plan — Think orange, black, and seasonal on the latter! Heidi’s a really cool mom so she has […]