Welcome to the inaugural post for “Ask Dr. Vikki!”
Dr. Vikki Petersen, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Certified Clinical Nutritionist, is founder of the renowned HealthNOW Medical Center in Sunnyvale, California.
She is co-author of “The Gluten Effect,” a bestselling book that has been celebrated by leading experts as an epic leap forward in gluten sensitivity diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Vikki herself is acknowledged as a pioneer in the field of gluten sensitivity. Featured in an exclusive interview on CNN Headline News, Dr Vikki is also endorsed by the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness and The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America for her contributions to gluten awareness in our country.
Q: What should you do in the case of accidental ingestion of gluten to help aid your body in healing? – Amanda
Hello Amanda,
This is a tough one because there is no “sure fire” neutralizer of gluten.
There are digestive enzymes, some very specific to gluten, that are on the market – one is called “Gluten-zyme”. If taken immediately upon exposure, or even better yet, ahead of time if you’re going out and want to be extra cautious, these can help to break down gluten within the digestive tract. Patients do report a lessening of symptom intensity when these are used.
A caution: these enzymes are not used as an excuse to cheat in any way!
Probiotics would be also be good. I believe you should be taking these daily regardless, but I would double up with a gluten exposure. Probiotics support the immune system in the gut and will give it a bit more resilience to deal with the “attack” that a gluten exposure creates.
Probiotics should be from a human strain, about 20 billion organisms per serving and I prefer a blend of different organisms such as lactobacillus and bifidus strains.
L-glutamine is an amino acid that can help to heal the intestine. We are cautious about its use in patients who have any poor reactions to monosodium glutamate (MSG) or have neurological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, migraines, ataxia (unsteady gait), MS, etc.
I hope you find this helpful. Please feel free to write back if you need any further clarification.
To your good health,
Dr Vikki Petersen
Founder of HealthNOW Medical Center
Co-author of “The Gluten Effect”
If you have a question for Dr. Vikki Petersen that you would like her to answer in a future “Ask Dr. Vikki” post, please email me your question to: askdrvikki AT adventuresofaglutenfreemom DOT com.
In case you haven’t yet been over to the new HealthNOW Medical Center website yet, I encourage you to check it out!
Wondering if you are gluten sensitive? Read this post and take a self test to find out if gluten could be wrecking havoc on your health.
Newly gluten-free and wondering what is safe to eat? Then check out this post for more information from Dr. Vikki.
Looking for a community forum where you can get accurate information on gluten sensitivity, read about the most current medical research, share recipes, get support and much more? Then become a registered member of the HealthNOW Community.
Dr. Vikki also moved her blog, The Gluten Doctors, over to the new website as well, and you can now access it here.
**This giveaway is now closed**
When I originally reviewed the 2010 Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forum DVD back in February (you can read my review here), the response from my readers was amazing! If you didn’t win a copy back in February, then here is another opportunity!
Dr. Vikki has kindly offered to give one of my fabulous readers a free copy of the 2010 Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Forum DVD and a free copy of her book, The Gluten Effect.
To enter for a chance to win this giveaway, hop on over to the HealthNOW Medical Center and register to become a member (it’s free!). Once you have registered, send me a friend request, then leave a comment to this post letting me know you did this. Easy Peasy!
Bonus Entry Opportunities (strictly optional, but should you decide to do any of the following, please leave a separate comment for each task you complete as this is how I keep track of entries)
- ‘Like’ HealthNOW Medical Center on Facebook
- ‘Like’ Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom on Facebook (I will be sharing all the fun details from my time at the GFAF Expo in Chicago this weekend!)
- Follow Dr. Vikki Petersen on Twitter
- Follow Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom on Twitter
I will announce the winner on Tuesday, May 3, 2011, Good Luck! 😀
With that, I leave you with the following important video from Dr. Vikki:
Thank you so much for introducing me to Dr Vikki. I have purchased at least 4 copies of her book, one to keep and 3 to share with friends.
I "like" the Health Now page on facebook. I'm surprised I overlooked it.
I already like your Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom page and have recommended it to several friends. This is one of my favorite "go to" pages.
I like you on fb already!
Well I registered with the healthnow medical center but can't figure out how to do the friend request thing. Hope this counts anyway.
I registered and I am a friend of yours on Facebook so I think I have done everything for the giveaway. You have a fantastic website! Thank you for all the information.
I follow you on twitter
Thank you for taking the efforts to help and educate us in the vast area of celiac/gluten issues. I have ordered the DVD based on your recommendation.
I would definitely like to read the gluten effect.
I follow you on FB.
I have subscribed to email updates.
I follow Dr Vikki on FB.
I registered and sent you a friend request. Will you be my friend?
I already like you on FB and everywhere else.
I follow Dr Vikki Petersen on twitter 🙂
I like HealthNow on FB.
I follow HealthNow on my RSS feed which doesn’t count because it doesn’t have wings and sing like a canary.
great idea to create an awareness of resources. Registered, and tried to friend you.
Thanks again for all your efforts.
I signed up to become a member of HealthNOW, but I couldn't figure out how to send you a friend request (or did it?). I also am following Dr. Vikki on Twitter!
I registered at HealthNow but haven't received my e-mail to activate….bummed!
I "like" adventures of a gluten free mom on fb.
I "like" HealthNow Center on fb!
I sent you a friend request on HealthNow Medical Center.
I Like HealthNow Medical Center on Facebook
I Like Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom on FB.
I follow Dr. Vikki Petersen on Twitter.
I follow Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom on Twitter
I ‘Liked’ Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom on Facebook!
I ‘Liked’ HealthNOW Medical Center on Facebook!
I registered with HealthNOW!
I registered with HealthNOW Medical!
I finally figured out how to send you a friend request on there! 🙂
I "Liked" HealthNOW Medical Center on Facebook
I "Liked" Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom a long time ago, does that still count as an entry?!?! Hope so! 🙂
Yes! 😉
I would love to win this and now I have thought of a few questions – my mind has been blank up till now.
It would also make an awesome birthday present to me 😉
I "liked" you a long time ago on facebook.
I just "liked" the HealthNOW medical center on Facebook.
I have been following you on twitter for a long time.
I have also been following Dr Petersen for awhile on twitter.
I am now following all on FB and Twitter. LOVE this website! I wish Dr. Vikki lived in NE.