NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

Fluffy Buckwheat Pancakes, Chia Egg Replacer & Corn-Free Baking Powder

It doesn’t matter how you eat on a regular basis, one bite into one of these bad boys and I promise, you will be asking for more.

I think these are without a doubt the best gluten-free pancakes I’ve made in the past 5 years and the most devilishly satisfying aspect of all?

The pancakes are also: dairy/casein-free, corn-free, egg-free, peanut-free, soy-free and refined sugar-free.

Have you ever tried to make an egg-free pancake and no matter how long you cook them, they are still gummy/gooey/undercooked on the inside?ย  Well, never fear my friends, the gooey is gone!

Oh yeah, there are no added gums either…no xanthan, no guar.

Now that is just plain sexy if you ask me. ๐Ÿ˜€

Fluffy Buckwheat Pancakes (adapted from a recipe in Vegetarian Times)

printable recipe

2 1/4 cups Dairy-Free Milk (I used So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk which does have guar gum, but I presume this recipe would also work well with water)

1 cup (160 grams) Superfine Brown Rice Flour (if you’re allergic to rice, try substituting with 1 cup {135 grams} of Sorghum Flour)

1 cup (130 grams) Buckwheat Flour (Arrowhead Mills is gluten-free)

1 1/2 tsp. Corn-Free Baking Powder (Hain Featherweight Baking Powder is corn-free or try making your own with the recipe below)

1/2 tsp. Sea Salt (iodized salt contains corn in the form of dextrose)

1/2 tsp. Baking Soda

1 Chia Egg* (see recipe below)

2 Tbs. Coconut Oil, melted (use a refined coconut oil if you don’t want a coconut flavor, I use Tropical Traditions Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil)

1 Tbs. Agave Nectar (I buy mine in bulk on Amazon to save money)

  • Combine flours, baking powder, salt, and baking soda in a medium bowl.
  • In a separate bowl, combine dairy-free milk, chia egg, agave nectar and melted coconut oil.
  • Stir wet ingredients into the flour mixture.
  • Lightly oil griddle and heat over medium heat.ย  Pour about 1/4 cup of the mixture onto the griddle and cook for about 2 minutes or until the batter bubbles around the edges.ย  Flip, and cook pancakes about 2 minutes more.
  • Serve with your favorite toppings.

Did you know that chia seeds are not only full of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids but they also contain calcium (at 6 times the amount in milk!) plus magnesium and phosphorus, all essential nutrients for bone health.

I have to say that so far, I really do prefer the chia egg replacer over the flax seed version, my end results have all had a much more desirable texture to us (and if you buy the white chia, you won’t have the dark flecks in your lighter colored baked goods).

Chia Egg Replacer

printable recipe

For each egg called for in a recipe (I’ve successfully replaced up to 3 eggs thus far, but as with all substitutes, there is some trial and error involved):

1 tsp. ground White Chia Seeds

3 Tbs. Water

  • Combine and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes until mixture thickens

Homemade Corn-Free Baking Powder

printable recipe

2 tsp. Cream of Tartar

2 tsp. Arrowroot

1 tsp. Baking Soda

Sift ingredients together and store in an airtight container.ย  Make in small batches.

Seeing that we are on the Modified Elimination Diet for the time being, I won’t be making anything that one would typically classify as “party food” this year (I really didn’t plan our trip to see Dr. Vikki Petersen very well…so says my hubby). ๐Ÿ˜‰

I thought I would compile a list of gluten-free, allergen-friendly recipes from me and my fellow blogger pals for you:

Gluten-Free Toasted Ravioli from Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom

Gluten-Free Dude Food (a.k.a Concession Stand Nachos) from Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom

Gluten-Free Mozzarella Cheese Sticks from Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Mozzarella Sticks from Real Sustenance

Joey’s Kicked Up Rockin’ Guac with Lime and Tomatillos from Gluten Free Goddess

Easy, Healthy Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Mexican Pizzas from Cook IT Allergy Free

Simple Roasted Chickpeas from Gluten Free Easily

Red Chile Enchilada Pizza from Gluten Free for Good

Pulled Barbecue Chicken Sandwiches from Glรผgle Gluten Free

Buffalo Chicken Mini Burgers from The W.H.O.L.E. Gang

Chorizo and Mahi Mahi Open Faced Fish Tacos from Lexie’s Kitchen

Gluten-Free Flat Bread and Hummus from Celiacs in the House

Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Balsamic Onion Dip from Simply Gluten Free

Gluten-Free Sticky Super Bowl Chicken Wings with Blue Cheesy Dip from dish towel diaries

Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Roasted Potato Slices with Smoky Aioli Dip from Gluten Free Diva

Portabello Chili Tarts from Wheatless and Meatless

Kale Chips from Sure Foods Living

Gluten Free Taco Dip from Gluten Free Is Life

Mock Corn-Bread from Ginger Lemon Girl

Dairy-Free Nacho Cheese Sauce from Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen

Carrot French Fries from Elana’s Pantry

Gluten Free Pizza Rolls from Wasabimon

Crockpot Cream Cheese, Sausage and Rotel Dip from A Year of Slow Cooking

Gluten Free Smokehouse Burger from ATX Gluten Free

Easy Super Bowl Sunday Microwavable Potato Lasagna from Gluten Free Life with Jen

Basil Chicken Salad Puffs from Tasty Eats at Home

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies from She Let Them Eat Cake

Peanut Butter Cups from Alisa Cooks – Recipes from the Go Dairy Free Kitchen

Football Cake from Jules Gluten Free

So, who are you voting for to win the big game?

GF Dad here…ummm, honey…it’s not American Idol.ย  You don’t “vote” for the winner…they will actually play a football game and the team with the most points…wins.ย  The way you vote is by making a wager, so I’ll take Pittsburgh and the points (lol, it’s called a spread), betting a massage against your…

A spread?ย  Can I make that gluten, casein, corn and egg-free? ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. Haha on the ending of this post! Cute. ๐Ÿ™‚ The pancakes look phenomenal. I actually love buckwheat pancakes … they just don't love me. Sigh. I'll try them again down the road a bit. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Way cool on making them exactly the way you need them to be and the fact they are still stellar!

    And, OMG, on all the recipes–wowser, girlfriend! We are so lucky that you have so much love in that heart of yours. ๐Ÿ™‚ You picked an awesome variety of recipes, too.

    Enjoy the big event tomorrow! xoxo,


    • Thanks Shirley! That's right, you don't do very well with the GF whole grains, huh? What would you try subbing the buckwheat flour with (in case anyone else has the same problem)? I'm fairly new (or, new again) at making my own flour blends…I've been stuck on Better Batter or Tom Sawyer GF AP flours for the past 5 years (was very lazy in that department…until I was forced out of my box with more food restrictions, LOL!)

      It was totally my pleasure to do the round-up, I've been out of the loop for too long and I miss everyone dearly (hoping this chapter will finally be over soon (just don't laugh too hard when you see me next month and I look like a mummy) ๐Ÿ˜€


      • Heidi–I just realized that I never replied. I've had good luck with cornmeal (I know that's out for you though) and oats and oat flour in making pancakes. ๐Ÿ™‚ For some reason, my basic all-purpose gf flour mix does not make great pancakes. It's fine for waffles, but not pancakes.

        Honey, I'm scared of mummmies … don't you dare do that to me! LOL



  2. Now that is just plain sexy ๐Ÿ™‚

    Okay, so time to pick up some buckwheat flour! Just when you think you have every flour you will need, one more pops up!

    Thanks for the link and the round-up chica.

    • You know you're finally cracking up when pancakes become sexy, LOL!

      As for the buckwheat, just buy a small bag until you have a chance to try it because it does have a distinct and stronger flavor (a.k.a. don't buy a case on Amazon like I often do before trying something first!).

  3. I have to admit, I am afraid to try buckwheat pancakes because the buckwheat groats and buckwheat cereal just taste burnt to me. Badly burnt. Like look at the pan and see how thick the black ash on the bottom is burnt. And I haven't burned them.

    As for who I vote for, I don't like either team and so my wish is that neither team scores and so it ends in a tie. I know it won't happen but a girl can dream.

    • I ditto (and really like) what Christi S says!!! Made me smile.


    • I wish I could tell you how the pancakes tasted, I guess I should have been more clear on why I thought they were the best pancakes I've made in 5 years…it was the texture for me, but Mike said he didn't think the flavor was too strong, they reminded him of the buckwheat/wheat pancakes from his youth (how he can remember THAT long ago is beyond me!). ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. those pancakes look amazing! I could care less who wins (oops, did I say that out loud here? heehee) it is my youngest son's birthday tomorrow and he thinks the party is for him. =0)

  5. I have buckwheat flour, but I don't have chia seeds. I like the sound of them, though, so I might have to pick some up. Btw, thank you so much for the link love, but that wasn't my recipe. It was Amy's from Simply Sugar and Gluten Free. I adopted here one month. So, if people go to my site, they will just have to go to hers. I won't be offended if you change it.

    I am "voting" for the Steelers. Sam is from Pittsburg, so I automatically became a Steelers fan. But, we don't have tv, so we won't be watching anyway.



    • I was trying to find one of your recipes, but then I got lost re-reading your old blog posts and I ran out of time so I just quickly grabbed a link (seriously, it's what I do when I just need a good belly laugh to cheer me up…can't wait to finally meet you!). ๐Ÿ˜€

      Do you want me to change the link, I can certainly do that. ๐Ÿ˜€


      • Nah. Don't fret about it. People will realize they have to click again and will. Thanks, anyway. Wish we could get together when you are here in a few weeks. Unfortunately getting south of SFO isn't easy. Why couldn't she be north?



        • I know, California traffic never ceases to bewilder me, don't know how ya'll do it, day in and day out.

          We are actually leaving this Saturday and have our first appointment next Monday. Outside of meeting Dr. Vikki and hopefully getting some answers to turn our health issues around, I'm really not looking forward to making the trip…not sure what we're going to eat with so many food restrictions! We actually got a hotel with a kitchen, so I'll be making our meals…wonder how well my Vitamix will travel in a suitcase?

          It does bum me out though that we will be visiting the San Francisco area on Sunday and cannot have any fresh crab…or wine! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Heidi,

    Those pancakes look amazing! YUM!!

    Thanks for including the taco dip I posted! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Heidi – that is one massively wonderful roundup. Wow!!!! What a terrific undertaking and such a great gift for those of us looking for allergen-free superbowl (or any other time) recipes! Thank you for including my Roasted Potato Slices with Aioli Dip. It's one of my own personal faves!

    I couldn't agree more. It's a major challenge to get gluten free and egg free pancakes not to be gooey in the middle. Kudos to you! I'm curious to know whether you think the buckwheat has anything to do with your success. Do you think we could substitute something else for the buckwheat? I'm not a huge fan of it. I used to use it but the flavor just makes me run for the hills. Not sure why?!


    • Absolutely Ellen…the list was really for me, a reminder of all the recipes I plan on stuffing my face with when I get my taste buds back, LOL!

      As for the buckwheat being the key player in the recipe…I don't think that was it, I think it was more the combination of the chia eggs and the coconut oil (but I'm not an expert, so I can't say for sure). I'm going to try a few different variations (thinking of trying sorghum, quinoa and maybe even teff as a substitute for the buckwheat) over the next few weeks and I will report back with my findings for ya. ๐Ÿ˜€


  8. Thank you thank you thank you! I'm starting my own Elimination Lite tomorrow – these recipes are a lifesaver!

  9. Sexy pancakes? I love it! I have all ingredients except the white chia seeds. No worries, I'll either use the black ones or flax seed. Gotta run to the kitchen and start cooking!

  10. Love the dialogue at the end – you two are a match made in heaven. Question Mike – are there still Packers and Steelers or are those professions as dead and over as I am of listening to pregame talking heads? Just play the game. Geez. Oops. Sorry everyone.

    Heidi I've been waiting and waiting for this recipe. I just hope it works with superfine white rice flour 'cause I don't have any brown rice.

    Here's a tip on the chia eggs. They keep in the fridge for a week or two so I make 2 cups worth at a time. I put it in a jar, shake well, let set and chill. I add some to my smoothies in the morning plus they're always available when I want to bake. And one more question…

    Where does everyone get the cream of tartar in bulk for making baking powder? I've only ever seen it in those tiny little jars.

    Whew. I hope whoever you're rooting for wins, personally I'll be watching Heidi's alter ego dimpling in the Alps.

    • Hi Laurel!

      Well if you mean that I am an angel and Mike is the devil, then our match is truly divine!

      Thanks for the tip on the chia eggs.

      And Mike says there are still Packers and Steelers, just not in Green Bay or Pittsburgh anymore, lol!


  11. Great post and I am LMAO at the end dialoge there – you guys are GREAT!

  12. You two are just too darned cute! These pancakes look and sound perfect, we might just have to eat them for dinner! Thanks for the link love Heidi ๐Ÿ™‚ xo

  13. Cute note from GF Dad. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love buckwheat pancakes and yours look great. Love that photo. What a great list of party food links too. Enjoy the game.

  14. The pancake recipe sounds like it would turn out sooo good, but it's not actually tree nut free. Coconut is a tree nut. (I learned this the HARD way with my son, and got quite the earful from the pediatrician "What do you mean, you didn't think it was a nut? It's called cocoNUT! CocoNUT!" Between that and the two injections of epinephrine and week of benadryl, it's a lesson I've never forgotten!)

    • Rebecca,

      Thank you so much for the info on the coconut, I admit that I've been confused on this because I've read both, that they are a tree nut and that they're not "technically" a tree nut but I went ahead and took the tree nut-free statement off because (as you are painfully aware), we're better safe than sorry when it comes to food allergies!

      Thanks again,

      • The coconut thing is really confusing! The allergist that I eventually ended up taking my son to explained it this way – the way coconut grows and the form it takes makes it technically a fruit, however, it shares the proteins that all tree nuts have, which is what makes it a tree nut (especially when it comes to allergies). Thank you for being understanding and being so conscientious, Heidi! ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. These sound great Heidi, I actually used to make some really good buckwheat pancakes, but we couldn't do buckwheat for a long time. I think I will try it again soon, I can't remember if it is a seed? We seemed to lose it at the same time seeds became an issue…but quinoa is back, as well as lots of other fruits and veggies. It's exciting ๐Ÿ™‚ and it looks like you're getting a massage, yeah for you and the Packers ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • You're right Breanna, buckwheat is not a cereal grain, it's a seed from a plant that is closely related to rhubarb, it's not even in the same family as wheat, here's a couple of links better explaining what buckwheat is:

      I was watching the 2010 Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity Forum DVD and Dr. Tom O'Bryan showed a slide that listed buckwheat as one of the common cross reactive foods, which really surprised me because I've always read that buckwheat is fairly hypo-allergenic (but maybe that is for IgE food allergies?).

      I'm going to try the pancakes with some other GF flours (instead of the buckwheat) to see how well they fare, so I will keep you posted!

      As for the massage…oh yeah, I'm gonna milk this one big time, (speaking of which, I better go find a luxurious spa to spend the afternoon, LOL!). ๐Ÿ˜€

  16. Thanks for linking to me! Those pancakes look awesome!!

  17. Yum, these look fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I love that Buckwheat never requires gums.

    One question though, you don't have a corn problem with the So Delicious products? I have terrible corn rxns to them (added vitamins). I haven't tried the unsweetened variety though, so maybe I should?

    • Hey Melody!

      That is a very good point you bring up! I have a class 2 IgE corn allergen, which was found by mistake really because I don't notice feeling bad or having any other physical reaction when I ate corn…and I still don't. Good point though on the added vitamins possibly containing derivatives of corn, I will call Turtle Mountain when I return home from California to check on that.

      What do you use for a milk substitute?


  18. I love buckwheat! The pancakes look deliciously fluffy! Love the last part with your husband..too funny!

  19. These look great — and something I've been craving for weeks. Also, a very belated thanks for sharing my kiwi + jasmine green tea smoothie recipe on your FB page. Somehow, I just now saw it.

  20. Maybe you said this and I missed it, but do you find that chia works better than flaxseed meal for replacing eggs, or do you use both ways?

  21. Okay..that I could do for breakfast! Now only what to put on them instead of syrup….I could do honey or sugar-free jelly but my son really loves his syrup! Like the post at the end by Mike…too cute!

  22. That buckwheat pancake recipe looks great! Thanks for sharing it. I came across this recipe on a Google search trying to locate GF buckwheat flours. It looks like Arrowhead Mills is the only one out there that has a gluten-free claim. Do you know anything about it? I couldn't figure out if they test it for cross-contamination. I love buckwheat so I'm looking for something safe. I just tried making teff waffles and while they were good I prefer the flavor of buckwheat, regardless of what others might say about it!
    My recent post The Best Whole Grain Blueberry Scones

  23. Heidi, you rock!! I am so grateful for your recipes! I did the elimination diet from December to January (a very tough time of year!), and learned that I am sensitive to dairy, wheat, soy and corn. Your recipes are giving me hope that I can enjoy food while dodging these 4 allergens. Thank you for your inspiration, creativity, and humor!

  24. Cactusrose68 says

    Hi, Heidi! In the search for the “perfect” buckwheat pancake for my family, I googled and came to your site for the first time. So happy to find you and all your great recipes! This is an older thread, but I could use your guidance so I thought I’d try querying you here anyway. We all LOVED the flavor and consistency of these cakes! Can’t believe they have NO processed sugar! I actually had all the same ingredients you used, so no substitutions were made, but I had a real hard time with these cakes sticking to my griddle. I tried oiling my griddle with first sunflower and later walnut oil (what I happened to have on hand) without resolving the issue. Do you have any idea why I might’ve had this trouble or any recommendations on how to avoid it? We loved this recipe so much I hate not to say I’ve found what I’ve been looking for . . . but I do hate a sticky griddle. Thanks so much! JillW


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Heidi Kelly, Heidi Kelly. Heidi Kelly said: Fluffy Buckwheat Pancakes & A Super Bowl Roundup #GF #celiac #foodallergy #gfcf #glutenfree #gfree […]

  2. […] Green Smoothie and Homemade Turkey Breakfast Sausage from Caveman Food (I will use a chia egg instead and make enough for the entire week and […]

  3. […] made the crab cakes egg-free by using one “chia egg,” but I’m sure Ener-G’s Egg Replacer would work well too (not sure of the […]

  4. […] of a Gluten Free Mom ย Fluffy Buckwheat Pancakesย (nut, egg & corn […]

  5. […] Everyday Paleo Salisbury Steak (I’ll use a chia egg in place of the real egg), mashed potatoes (mashed sweet potatoes for me) and […]