NOTICE: This blog is no longer being updated, so medical information may no longer be accurate.

SUSTA Giveaway Winners and a Few Gluten-Free Highlights

I’m sorry this is going up so late in the day, but I had an unexpected trip to the pediatrician today, Luke has pink eye, in both eyes!  Adding to the fun was a two hour wait at the pharmacy for eye drops!!  Is it just me, or do you ever wonder why it takes so long for certain medications?  I can almost understand counting out pills or mixing a liquid medication, but eye drops??  OYE!

My only hope is to get this under control before Luke’s birthday party this weekend, we’re combining his party with our Independence Day celebration because we will be going to Legoland for his actual birthday.  Hopefully, I will not catch his pink eye before I get his cake done.  Although, if the cake looks horrible, I could blame it on my eyes being glued shut from pink eye, LOL! 😉

Onward and upward!

Using the Random Number Generator, the 3 winners for a FREE box of SUSTA Natural Sweetener are:

Dennis, Debra and CC!

Congratulations, I will email each of you for your shipping information.

I won’t be posting much for the rest of the week as I obsess work on Luke’s Jungle Junction themed birthday cake (it’s going to be dye-free too!).  So I want to leave you with a video clip (please watch it so the theme song gets stuck in your head too!) 😀 and some highlights from my blogging buddies.

Other cool happenings in the gluten-free community:

The amazing Lauren from Celiac Teen had a wonderful article written about her in the Calgary Herald.  Congratulations Lauren, you are one amazing young lady! 😉

Shirley, from GFE (Gluten Free Easily) posted a recipe for Raspberry-Banana-Pineapple-Coconut Smoothies that looks absolutely refreshing.  Shirley also posted a recipe for Blackened Black Bean Burgers that I am dying to make as soon as I can taste again.

Carrie, from Ginger Lemon Girl is doing an extremely helpful series titled, 30 Days Quick and Easy Gluten Free Meals!Tomorrow’s guest post will be by the fabulous Shirley from Gluten Free Easily!  I am really enjoying this series because I need help coming up with new simple meal ideas too!  My personal goal is to get my ADD under enough control by the end of the summer so I can implement a menu plan that I will follow through with.  I am horrible at making one and even if I do, I never make what’s on it! I need to f.o.c.u.s.  😉 Carrie also has a Yahoo Group called “Gluten Free Recipe Swap,” that I encourage you to check out!

Diane from The W.H.O.L.E. Gang has a new downloadable e-book called The Gluten-Free Diner Cookbook. The recipes have my husband’s mouth watering!

One of my favorite new blogs to read is Peace, Love and Muesli. There was a recent post titled, “I’m Going Bananas.”  If you love reading about the health benefits of foods like I do, then I highly recommend checking out the banana post.  I was surprised by some of the information I read and have been eating a couple bananas everyday since (they still count when dipped in chocolate, right?). 😀

Ging, from Gluten-Free In Georgia… Finally! recently wrote a review on the new gluten-free bread by Nature’s Own, be sure to check it out!

Erin over at Gluten Free Fitness wrote a post highlighting Peter Bronski and his training for the Virgil Crest Ultra Race.  Pete is trying to raise $5,000 for NFCA, so check out Erin’s post for more information about what Pete is doing and how you can donate!  While you are on Erin’s site, also be sure to check out her new book, 7 Quick Start Tips to Leading a Healthy, Gluten-Free Life (without making yourself nuts in the process). Erin sent me a copy of the book before she finished it and I think it’s great! I will be doing a more in-depth review for you soon, but I’m so excited about it, I couldn’t wait to tell you about it!

Lastly, you may have noticed that I put up an AMAZON store in my right side bar.  When I began my blog, my intention was not to earn an income from it, and that has not changed.  I would however, like to raise money to donate to organizations that are making a difference in the gluten-free community.  Organizations like NFCA, CSA, GIG, The University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research, The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University, as well as others.  Half of all the net proceeds that are earned from this blog will be donated to organizations such as those I listed.  I am still contemplating what to do with the rest, but some of it will be used for unsponsored giveaways, like the one I did for Dangerous Grains.

Do you have any special plans and recipes for the 4th?  If so, I would love to hear about them! 😀


  1. Wow, Heidi, that's a lot of link love, especially directed at me–thank you SO MUCH! You've shared tons of other good info, too. I really like this because I think you've let me off the hook for one of my summaries this week since you've done such a fabulous job. I'll just link back to you when I do my summary post. 😉

    I think it's wonderful you are going to give half of your proceeds to worth celiac/gluten intolerance charities!

    So sorry about your son's pink eye. Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands; throw away tissues; etc. immediately; and don't touch your eyes. I saw that … don't touch your eyes. Hard to do, huh?

    I didn't play the video … I'm afraid, very afraid, of having the song stuck in my head. LOL, but true. Best of luck with the cake! I know you'll do a great job. Not sure what I'm be making yet for the 4th. We're going camping on our mtn/river property again. 🙂



  2. thanks for the links and have a ton of fun in Legoland!!! yippeeeee!

  3. I always appreciate it when people post GF Happenings because I can never keep up with everything that's going on. Plus, you introduced me to a couple of new blogs.

  4. Wow. Thank you for the link. I'll also be checking out some of the other blogs you recommend.

    Bummer about the pink eye. Hope it's better for the weekend. I used your stage cake idea on the weekend. Decorated with a plastic tiara.

  5. Many thanks for the link love Heidi!! I'm so glad you are enjoying the series! Shirley's meatloaf is going to be on my menu as soon as we get our next order of local grass-fed ground beef!! yummy!! Love this round up of weekly events! I loved reading the article about Lauren of Celiac Teen!! 🙂

  6. Wow! What a great round-up this week! I cannot wait to see Luke's cake. We just had Carson's party last week and I succeeded in making a train cake…. nothing compared to your "Jungle Junction"! I'll post the pics on FB – not really blog-worthy 😉

    Hope everyone is on the mend! Talk to you soon, busy lady!!

  7. I'm so sorry about the pink eye. I had that once in high school, and it sucked. I agree with Shirley. Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands.

    I hope the birthday celebrations are loads of fun. I used to live right by legoland but never went. We didn't have Max then, though. Now that we are far away, I'm sure we will be going soon.

    Thanks for the comment about the cookies. They are so good. I think if you substitute dried fruit for the chocolate, it can work as breakfast. A lot healthier than most of the stuff people eat as breakfast.


  8. Wow! You must have been so tired after posting this! It's amazing – and your son has pink eye! Super Mom. Thanks for all of the great updates. We do have quite an amazing community. What would we do without each other?


  1. […] in our gluten-free world, of course). And, thanks, Heidi, for mentioning several posts from gfe! Be sure to check out Heidi’s post here. And, look for her upcoming article on her asymptomatic symptoms of celiac in the next issue […]